Arcserve - Install - Uninstall

Arcserve is a provider of data protection, replication and recovery solutions. Arcserve lets you to perform bare metal recovery (BMR).


Download the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) installation package (*.bin file) to your root folder /root:

  • The full path on the server must not contain any special characters except blank spaces
  • The full path should only include the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and_

The following mandatory applications are required for the installation file to work:

  • sshd (SSH Daemon)
  • Perl

Install Arcserve


Provide the execution permission to the installation package:

# chmod u+x Arcserve_Unified_Data_Protection_Agent_Linux.bin 

Run the following command to start installation according to your path:

# ./Arcserve_Unified_Data_Protection_Agent_Linux.bin 

Add storage

Go on browser on 8014 port:

Add a Backup storage:

You can now set up backup schedules

Error encountered

If you have this error message :

# ./Arcserve_Unified_Data_Protection_Agent_Linux.bin
Extracting ... [Failed]

./Arcserve_Unified_Data_Protection_Agent_Linux.bin: line 75: /tmp/selfextract.r8AMJJ/install: No such file or directory
  • Try to launch the .bin file in /tmp directly
  • Check if sshd and perl are installed on server
  • Try to install needed packages
  • Try to download/upload the binary again

Uninstall Arcserve

The uninstall process removes all the files and directories that are created during the installation of the software.

Follow these steps .

  1. Log in to the Backup Server as a root user.

  2. Navigate to the /bin folder where Arcserve Unified Data Protection Agent for Linux is installed with the following command:

    # cd /opt/Arcserve/d2dserver/bin/ 
  3. Run the following command to uninstall Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux):

    # ./d2duninstall 
  4. A message displays after the uninstallation is complete.

Documentation .

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