To search the contents of the man pages
# man -k searchterm |
Manage Find
To keep in mind.
Execute a simply find command in order to display the result in the terminal:
# find / -user harry |
If it seems ok, you can use exec <cmd> {} <target> \;
# find / -user harry -exec cp -rf {} /root/find.user \; |
Manage Find 1
| Find all files owned by harry and copy them to /root/find.user
| Find files (not subdirectories) owner by user natasha and copy in /root/findresults
# find / -user harry -exec cp -rf {} /root/find.user \; |
Find the files 2
| Find All Files (not directory) in /home (not subdirectories) owned by harry and copy them to /tmp.
| Find All directory in /home (not subdirectories) owned by harry and copy them to /tmp/tmpdir.
# find /home -maxdepth 1 -user harry -type f -exec cp {} /tmp \; |
Find the files 2
| Find all files owned by harry in /home expect files that began by “.” and copy them to /tmp/harryTMP/
| Find all directory owned by harry in /home expect files that began by “.” and copy them to /tmp/harryTMP2/
# find /home -user harry -not ".*" -type f -exec cp {} /tmp/harryTMP/ \; |
Manage Find 3
| Find All Files in /etc (not subdirectories) that where modified more than 180 days ago.
| And copy all of them to a directory /var/tmp/old
# find /etc -type f -maxdepth 1 -mtime +180 -exec cp {} /var/tmp/old \; |
Manage Find 4
| Find all setuid files on the system and save the list.
| Find all setgid files on the system and save the list.
# find / -type f -perm -4000 > setuid_list |
Find the files 5
| (1) Find All Files in /etc (not subdirectories) that contain in the name text “chrony” (ignore case).
| (2) Find All Files in /etc (not subdirectories) that contain text “chrony” (ignore case).
| Copy output in files.
# find /etc -maxdepth 1 -name *chrony* > MyFile.txt // (1) |
Utilisation des commandes find et grep
| Trouvez tous les fichiers .log
dans /var/log
contenant le mot ERROR
| Enregistrez les résultats dans un fichier /backup/errors.log
Le “+“ est très important ici.
# find /var/log -name "*.log" -exec grep -e "ERROR" {} + > /backup/errors.log |
Manage Grep
Manage Grep 1
| Find the rows that contain abcde from file /etc/testfile, and write it to the file/tmp/testfile, and the sequence is requested as the same as /etc/testfile.
| Search the string sarah in the /etc/passwd file and save the output in /root/lines
# grep abcde /etc/testfile > /tmp/testfile |
Manage Grep 2
| Finds all lines in the file /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639_3.xml
that contain the string ng
| Put a copy of all these lines in the file /root/list
in their original order.
| The /root/list
file must not contain empty lines, and all lines must be exact copies of the original lines in /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639_3.xml
# grep ng /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639_3.xml | grep -v ^$ > /root/list |
Manage Grep 3
| Remove all the empty line and the word “Unknow” in file01.txt and copy the result in FinalFile.txt
# grep -v ^$ file01.txt | grep -v "Unknow" > FinalFile.txt |
Manage Grep 4
| Perform a case-insensitive search for all lines in the /usr/share/dict/linux.words file that begin with the pattern “essential”.
| Redirect the output to /tmp/pattern.txt file.
| Make sure that empty lines are omitted.
# grep -e '^essential' /usr/share/dict/linux.words | grep -v '^$' |
Manage Tar
To keep in mind.
# tar -cvjf /path/detination.tar.bz2 /path/source/to/tar |
# tar xvjf detination.tar.bz2 |
Manage Tar 1
| Create an archive file - Backup the /var/tmp directory as /root/test.tar.gz
| Create the archive file /root/local.tgz for /usr/local compressed by gzip.
# tar -cvzf /root/test.tar.gz /var/tmp |
Manage Tar 2
| Create a backup file named /root/backup.tar.bz2, which contains the contents of /usr/local in /root/test directory
| You must use the bzip2 compression.
# mkdir -p /root/test |
Manage Grep and Tar
| Find All Log Messages in /var/log/messages
That Contain “ACPI”, and Export Them to a File Called /root/logs
| Then Archive All of /var/log
and Save It to /tmp/log_archive.tgz
# grep ACPI /var/log/messages >> /root/logs |
No compression is needed, so we use only cvf
# tar cvf /tmp/log_archive.tgz /var/log/ |
Manage Link
Manage Link 1
| Create an empty file hard1 under /tmp and display its attributes.
| Create hard links hard2 and hard3. Edit hard2 and observe the attributes.
| Remove hard1 and hard3 and list the attributes again
# cd /tmp |
Manage Link 2
| Create an empty file soft1 under /root pointing to /tmp/hard2.
| Edit soft1 and list the attributes after editing. Remove hard2 and then list soft1
# ln -s /tmp/hard2 /root/soft1 |