TiNa help commands

All TiNa help commands.


Liste des commandes :

# ls /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/
atncheckpid Perl tina_check_network tina_frontend_Ugc tina_odbsave tina_synccloud
atnlosetup qcdiag tina_clone_catalog tina_help tina_operator tina_synchvds
avfs read_vmdk tina_cod tina_IndexUpgrade tina_perl tina_syncxdcs
backint runtina tina_collector_job tina_init tina_perl_cmd tina_syncxdf
check_port tin@ tina_config tina_init_gui tina_ping tina_tpl_back_end
devdrvconfig tina tina_daemon tina_job tina_qdb tina_tpl_back_end.real
frag_vmdk tina_acct tina_daemon_clt tina_job_control tina_replicmp tina_tunable_ctrl
fusermount tina_adm tina_daemon_tunnel tina_ldap tina_report tina_user_info
get_os_name.sh tina_alarm tina_db2bar_10 tina_library tina_restore tina_user_info_cmd
GVAadapters tina_alpha tina_db2bar_11 tina_library_control tina_sched tina_vls
hdbbackint tina_archive tina_db2bar_9 tina_listcart tina_scm tina_vlsa
hyperstream_admin tina_archive_control tina_dedup tina_listjob tina_scm_control tina_web_info_rest
lsm_tool tina_backup tina_del tina_lsm tina_sendmail tina_xattr
mdnsd tina_bck tina_drive_control tina_mount tina_shell tina_xdcs_srv
mount_raw tina_bench tina_event tina_mount_cart tina_sidf tina_xxx
mount_vmdk tina_cache tina_event_viewer tina_ngagva_launcher tina_start_backup tina_zip
ndmpd tina_cart tina_export tina_nts tina_stat
ora_connect11 tina_cart_control tina_find tina_odbcheck tina_stk
ora_connect12 tina_catalog_ctrl tina_folder_control tina_odbedit tina_stop
ora_connect18 tina_centera tina_frontend_Api tina_odbfree tina_storage_ctrl
ora_connect19 tina_cert tina_frontend_Odb tina_odbgc tina_stream


# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/atncheckpid -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/atnlosetup -h

atnlosetup loop_device give info
atnlosetup -a | --all list all used
atnlosetup -d | --detach <loopdev> delete
atnlosetup -f | --find find unused
atnlosetup -j | --associated <file> [-o <num>] list all associated with <file>
atnlosetup [ options ] {-f|--find|loopdev} <file> setup

-e | --encryption <type> enable data encryption with specified <name/num>
-h | --help this help
-o | --offset <num> start at offset <num> into file
--sizelimit <num> loop limited to only <num> bytes of the file
-p | --pass-fd <num> read passphrase from file descriptor <num>
-r | --read-only setup read-only loop device
--show print device name (with -f <file>)
-v | --verbose verbose mode
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/avfs -h

-h, --help help
-t activate traces
-r readonly mount
-m <path> mirror
-l <path>, --path_to_lib path to external library
-s <path>, --server_url ADE server
--client_uid <path> client uid
--catalog_uid <uid> catalog uid
-mp <path>, --local_path <path> source path
-c <path>, --config_file <path> configuration file
-rw read write
-e <file> file (multiples -e allowed)
--vmdks <file1 ...> file(s)
--vhds <file1 ...> file(s)
--mount_point <path> mount path
--tina_server_name <server> tina server
--tina_server_udp_port <port> tina port
--tina_catalog catalog name
--no_alc disable alc logging
--skip_br_header skip backup read header
--test <port> Test connection to the specified hvds server / port.
for example, in the TINA_HOME directory enter the following command :
"avfs -l Lib/libalnapi.so -s hvds01 --test 9080"
--find <begin:end> Experimental. Try to find the HVDS port (begin<end)
--temp <path> Use temporary directory <path>

--alnstats write block access in avfs_stat.txt
--aln_cached_blocks <nbblock> Number of block to keep in memory cache (default 600)
--aln_trash_freq <sec> Number of seconds between frequency analysis (default 0 = unactive)
--aln_trash_value <num> Minimum number of block access per frequency check to keep block in cache

Optional configuration file : $TINA_HOME/Conf/avfs.conf, one item per line, option value must be in a new line

For instance to change the number of cached block to 2048, edit $TINA_HOME/Conf/avfs.conf and set the content as follow :
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/backint -h
ERROR: unknown Time Navigator Enterprise Edition installation path, check your TINA_HOME definition
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/check_port -h
usage: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/check_port service_name protocol
version @(#) $Id$
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/devdrvconfig -h
usage : devdrvconfig -s tape | mc | tape_mc (show devices)
-c tape | mc | tape_mc (create configuration file for devices)
-d tape | mc | tape_mc (delete configuration file for devices)
-v level (set verbosity level)
-t <vendor+product> (Get Tina's type of Tape Drive SCSI inquiry)
-m <vendor+product> (Get Tina's type of Media-Changer SCSI inquiry)
-h (print help)

Verbose level value: 0=DEFAULT 1=ERROR 2=INFO 3=SCSI 4=DATA 5=TRACE
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/frag_vmdk -h

read_vmdk v1.0.1 for Linux x64

Syntax: frag_vmdk [-start <startSector>] [-skip <nbSectors>] -file <params_file> [<params_file2> ...]
-file <params_file> ... Parameters files

Instructions of use
0) Create a VM with a thin vmdk, activate CBT on the VM, start the VM (even if there is no OS)
1) Take a snapshot for a virtual machine on the virtual center (no memory, no quiesce) and make sure that there is only one snapshot
2) in a console, change dir in the TINA_HOME directory
3) launch this command "3rdParty/java/bin/java -jar Classes/infoVM.jar -vixtest <vmname>"
it will create a read_vmdk.params file
4) only keep the vmdk that will be fragmented"
5) for vddk 6, add the sslThumprint in the last line of <vmname>.vixtest"
6) remove the snapshot and stop the VM"
7) run "frag_vmdk -file <vmname>.vixtest"
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/fusermount -h

/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/fusermount: [options] mountpoint
-h print help
-V print version
-o opt[,opt...] mount options
-u unmount
-q quiet
-z lazy unmount
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/get_os_name.sh -h
Linux X64
4.18.0-348.el8.x86_64 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.5 (Ootpa)
_TN_OS_CLEAR_=<<Linux X64>>
_TN_OS_COMPLETE_=<<4.18.0-348.el8.x86_64 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.5 (Ootpa)>>
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/hdbbackint -h
ERROR: unknown Time Navigator Enterprise Edition installation path, check your TINA_HOME definition
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/lsm_tool -h

lsm_tool -view |-enable |-disable |-alloc |-free |-full |-empty |-create |-remove |-bench duration |-sync drive1/status1 [drive2/status2 ...] -lsm_cat catalog -barcode label -all_drives -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]

lsm_tool -view
lsm_tool -enable -all_drives
lsm_tool -enable -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]
lsm_tool -disable -all_drives
lsm_tool -disable -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]
lsm_tool -alloc -lsm_cat catalog -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]
lsm_tool -free -lsm_cat catalog -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]
lsm_tool -full -lsm_cat catalog [-barcode label] -drive drive_name
lsm_tool -empty -lsm_cat catalog -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]
lsm_tool -create -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]
lsm_tool -remove -drive drive1 [drive2 ... ]
lsm_tool -bench duration -drive drive_name
lsm_tool -sync drive1/status1 [drive2/status2 ...] -lsm_cat catalog
lsm_tool -help
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/mdnsd -h
Usage: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/mdnsd [-debug]
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/mount_raw -h
Allowed options:

Command line-only options:
-v [ --version ] display the version
-h [ --help ] display a help message
-m [ --man ] display an on-line manual page
-c [ --conf ] arg (=mount_raw.cfg) name of a parameters file
--allow_mount_ntfs allow to mount disks with an active NTFS
partition (on Linux only)
-u [ --unmount ] used with the 'cookie' option, trigger
the unmount operation
-d [ --delete ] used with the 'cookie' option, delete the
objects associated to this cookie
--spawn used with the 'cookie' option, spawn the
mount command and wait the result of this

Configuration options:
--vm arg VM MoRef
--mpath arg mount path : directory where the file
systems will be mounted
--lpath arg local path : directory where the raw
image files are stored locally
--rpath arg [multivalued] remote path of raw image
--file arg [multivalued] name of raw image file
stored into the local path
--cookie arg name of the "cookie" identifying the
--timeout arg (=30) timeout in seconds to wait the end of
mount operation
--tina_srv arg name of the TiNa server to send log
--tina_udp arg UDP port number used to send log messages
to the TiNa server
--tina_cat arg name of the TiNa catalog associated to
log messages
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/mount_vmdk -h
Allowed options:

Command line-only options:
-v [ --version ] display the version
-h [ --help ] display a help message
-m [ --man ] display an on-line manual page
-c [ --conf ] arg (=mount_vmdk.cfg) name of a parameters file
--allow_mount_ntfs allow to mount disks with an active NTFS
partition (on Linux only)
-u [ --unmount ] used with the 'cookie' option, trigger
the unmount operation
-d [ --delete ] used with the 'cookie' option, delete
the objects associated to this cookie
--spawn used with the 'cookie' option, spawn the
mount command and wait the result of
this command

Configuration options:
--port arg (=902) SSL port used to access the vCenter
--host arg vCenter name
--user arg user name
--pass arg password
--vm arg VM MoRef
--libdir arg directory where the VDDK is installed
--snap arg snapshot ID
--mpath arg mount path : directory where the file
systems will be mounted
--lpath arg local path : directory where the VMDK
files are stored locally
--rpath arg [multivalued] remote path of VMDK file
--file arg [multivalued] name of VMDK file stored
into the local path
--cookie arg name of the "cookie" identifying the
--timeout arg (=30) timeout in seconds to wait the end of
mount operation
--tina_srv arg name of the TiNa server to send log
--tina_udp arg UDP port number used to send log
messages to the TiNa server
--log commit all the logs
--tina_cat arg name of the TiNa catalog associated to
log messages
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/ndmpd -h
No help for this command
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/ora_connect11 -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.ora_connect11.real: error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.11.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/ora_connect12 -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.ora_connect12.real: error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.12.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/ora_connect13 -h
bash: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/ora_connect13: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/ora_connect18 -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.ora_connect18.real: error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.18.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/ora_connect19 -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.ora_connect19.real: error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.19.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/qcdiag -h
Error: main.1: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/qcdiag: unknown option `-h'. Try `/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/qcdiag -help'.
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/qcdiag -help
Usage: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/qcdiag [options] [script]

-help This help text.
-barcode Enable barcode (default).
-no-barcode Disable barcode.
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/read_vmdk -h
read_vmdk v1.2.1 for Linux x64

Syntax: read_vmdk [-f] [-flat] [-output <outfilename>] [-port <sslport>] [-lw] [-repo <path>] -file <params_file> [<params_file2> ...]
-f Ignore if libdiskplugin is not loaded
-port <sslport> Specify the ssl port to use
-lw local write
-repo local repository
-disktype [flat|sparse|vmfs|vmfssparse|thin|splitsparse|split]
-adaptype [ide|bus|lsi]
-file <params_file> ... Parameters files

-vc <vcenter> vcenter
-user <user> vcenter user
-pass <pass> password of vcenter user
-vm <vmmoref> moref of the vm in the from "moref=<moref>"
-libdir <libdir> path of the vddk directory. Not needed on Windows, this path is read from the registry
-thumb <sslthumbprint> thumbprint of the vcenter
-vmdk <vmdk name> in the form "[DATASTORE] vmname/vmdkname.vmdk", can be specified multiple times
-config <vmware_config_file> vmware configuration file
Instructions of use
1) Take a snapshot for a virtual machine on the virtual center (make sure that there is only one snapshot)
2) in a console, change dir in the TINA_HOME directory
3) launch this command "java -jar Classes/infoVM.jar -vixtest <vmname>"
it will create a <vmname>.vixtest file
4) run "read_vmdk -file <vmname>.vixtest"
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/runtina -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/-h not found
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina -h
tina [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-target_host host Specifies the target host
-target_appl application Specifies the target application
-language language Specifies the language
-identity user:passwd Specifies the catalog login identity
-secure Privileged mode
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tin@ -h
ERROR: unknown Time Navigator Enterprise Edition installation path, check your TINA_HOME definition
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_acct -h

Usage: tina_acct [-customer_id customer_id] [-host host1 [host2]...] [-platform platform1 [platform2]...] [-volume_unit kilo|mega|giga] [-back_hour hours]|[-start_date yyyymmddhhmm] [-end_date yyyymmddhhmm] [-v_classes] [-v_report_date] [-v_period] [-v_catalog] [-v_platform] [-v_vm_name] [-v_folder] [-v_jobtype] [-v_status] [-v_user] [-v_description] [-v_dates] [-v_backup_date] [-v_elapsed] [-v_jobid] [-v_volume] [-v_expected_volume] [-v_objects] [-v_cart] [-v_barcode] [-v_properties] [-v_father_jobid] [-v_duplicated_jobid] [-v_priority] [-v_strategy] [-output_format text|xml|csv] [-csv_separator csv_separator] [-xml_stylesheet_file file] [-xml_stylesheet_type stylesheet_type] [-file file] [-display_active_jobs_only] [-skipped_jobs] [-catalog catalog]

where options include:
-customer_id customer_id Specifies the identifier of the customer
-host host Specifies a list of hosts to filter the jobs
-platform platform Specifies a list of platforms by which to filter the jobs
-volume_unit kilo|mega|giga Specifies the unit used to display volume data
-back_hour hours Specifies a duration in hours in the Past to view jobs
-start_date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the beginning of the period
-end_date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the end of the period
-v_classes Displays the list of Backup Selections of each backup job (text and XML modes only)
-v_report_date Displays the Report Creation Date column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_period Displays the columns of the period scanned by the report (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_catalog Displays the columns concerning the scanned catalogs (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_platform Displays the Job Platform column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_vm_name Displays the Backed up Virtual Machine Name column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_folder Displays the Job Folder column (CSV mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_jobtype Displays the Job Type column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_status Displays the Job Status columns (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_user Displays the Job User column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_description Displays the Job Description column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_dates Displays the Job Dates columns (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_backup_date Displays the Job Backup Date column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_elapsed Displays the Job Elapsed Time column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_jobid Displays the Job ID column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_volume Displays the Job Processed Volume columns (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_expected_volume Displays the Job Expected Volume columns (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_objects Displays the column of the number of processed objects for the job (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_cart Displays the columns concerning the cartridges used during the job (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_barcode Displays the cartridge barcode in the columns concerning the cartridges used during the job (csv mode only)
Can be used only if options "-output_format", "-v_cart" are used
-v_properties Displays the Job Properties column (csv mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_father_jobid Displays the Father Job Id column (CSV mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_duplicated_jobid Displays the Duplicated Jobs Id columns (CSV mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_priority Displays the Job Priority column (CSV mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_strategy Displays the Strategy column (CSV mode only)
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-output_format text|xml|csv Specifies the format used to export the data
-csv_separator csv_separator Specifies the separator used with the CSV format (default value is ";")
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-xml_stylesheet_file file Name of the stylesheet that will be used to display the XML document
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-xml_stylesheet_type stylesheet_type Stylesheet type
Can be used only if options "-xml_stylesheet_file", "-output_format" are used
-file file Specifies the output file
-display_active_jobs_only Displays only the active jobs
-skipped_jobs Displays the scheduled jobs which were not started
alias on this option is: -show_all
-catalog catalog Catalog name
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_adm -h
tina_adm [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Displays this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-language language Specifies the language
-identity user:passwd Specifies the catalogs login identity
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_alarm -h

Usage: tina_alarm -text Text -severity severity_level [-host host]|[-application application]|[-drive drive]|[-library library]|[-jobid jobid]|[-label Label] [-alarm_id ID] [-catalog catalog] [-class event_class1 [event_class2]...] [-help]

Allows to send an alarm to Time Navigator Enterprise Edition catalog

where options include:
-text Text Specifies the alarm text
-severity severity_level Specifies the severity level: critical, major, minor, fatal, error, warning, info, acct, debug, audit
-host host Specifies the host to which the alarm is attached. Can be used only if severity is set to critical, major, minor
-application application Specifies the application to which the alarm is attached. Can be used only if severity is set to critical, major, minor
-drive drive Specifies the drive to which the alarm is attached. Can be used only if severity is set to critical, major, minor
-library library Specifies the library to which the alarm is attached. Can be used only if severity is set to critical, major, minor
-jobid jobid Specifies the job identity to which the alarm is attached. Can be used only if severity is set to critical, major, minor
alias on this option is: -job_id
-label Label Specifies the cartridge label to which the alarm is attached. Can be used only if severity is set to critical, major, minor
-alarm_id ID Specifies the alarm id
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-class event_class Specifies one or several classes : standard, obj_not_rest, io_error, vmstat, fuzzy_object, secure, obj_not_decoded, end_user, obj_not_backed_up. Default value is standard
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h

This operation can only be run while connected to a catalog
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_alpha -h

Usage: tina_alpha [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to navigate in space and time trough the Time Navigator Enterprise Edition file tree and restore objects

where options include:
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_archive -h

Usage: tina_archive -path path1 path2 ...1 [path1 path2 ...2]...|-file_list file_path [-file_list_dest file_path] [-behavior_on_missing_file continue|continue_with_error_code|abort] [-host host]|[-application application] -folder_dest folder -archive_dest archive_path [-create_archive] [-keywords keyword1 [keyword2]...] [-full]|[-incr] [-date yyyymmddhhmm] [-user user] [-password password] [-pool pool_name1 [pool_name2]...] [-drive drive] [-sync_cart] [-no_r] [-v_jobid] [-error_mode continue|abort] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to archive directories and files

where options include:
-path path1 path2 ... Specifies absolute paths of objects to be archived
alias on this option is: -path_src
-file_list file_path Specifies the path of a file containing the absolute paths of objects to be archived (the paths must be separated by carriage returns).
-file_list_dest file_path Specifies the absolute path of a file containing the list of destination relative paths for all objects to be archived (one path per line)
Can be used only if option "-file_list" is used
-behavior_on_missing_file continue|continue_with_error_code|abort Specifies the behavior if a file to archive does not exist in the file_list file. Default behavior is: continue
Can be used only if option "-file_list" is used
alias on this option is: -behavior_if_file_not_exist
-host host Specifies the name of the host from which the files are archived
-application application Specifies the name of the application from which the files are archived
-folder_dest folder Specifies the destination archive folder
-archive_dest archive_path Specifies the absolute path of the archive in the destination folder
-create_archive Specifies the creation of the destination archive if it does not exist
Can be used only if option "-archive_dest" is used
-keywords keyword Specifies the keywords to be associated to the created/edited archive folder or archive
Can be used only if option "-create_archive" is used
-full Starts a full archiving. This is the default value.
-incr Starts an incremental archiving.
-date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the archiving date.
-user user Specifies the name of the user performing the archiving
-password password Specifies the user password
Can be used only if option "-user" is used
-pool pool_name Specifies a list of cartridge pool (Applies only to central archive folders)
-drive drive Specifies the drive of the local machine (Applies only to local archive folders)
-sync_cart Specifies that the archiving is considered as completed once data has actually been written on cartridges. If not specified, the archiving is complete once data has been written in the cache.
-no_r Specifies that directory content should not be archived
-v_jobid Specifies to display the job id
-error_mode continue|abort Specifies the behavior to adopt when encountering an error
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_archive_control -h

Usage: TiNa_archive_control [-folder folder_name] [-archive archive_name] -create|-edit|-remove|-list|-statistic|-view [-force] [-description Description] [-type Type] [-keywords keyword1 [keyword2]...] [-remove_keywords] [-protected_size Size] [-output_format format] [-csv_separator separator_char] [-permission permission1 [permission2]...] [-os_user user_name] [-os_group group_name] [-cartridge_format cart_format] [-file_format file_format1 [file_format2]...] [-through_link yes/no] [-pool pool_name1 [pool_name2]...] [-host host_name] [-manage_acl yes/no] [-prolog file_path] [-epilog file_path] [-lanfree yes/no] [-remove_archived_file yes/no] [-use_empty_archive yes/no] [-sync_cart yes/no] [-continue_on_error yes/no] [-keyword_on_archive yes/no] [-propagate] [-identity identity] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on archive folders and archives

where options include:
-folder folder_name Specifies the name of the archive folder on which the operation is performed.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create", "-remove", "-list", "-statistic", "-view" are used
-archive archive_name Specifies the absolute path of the archive on which the operation is performed.
Can be used only if options "-folder", "-edit", "-create", "-remove", "-statistic", "-view" are used
-create Creates an archive folder if used with "-folder" only. Creates an archive in the specified archive folder if used with "-folder" and "-archive". The folder must exist.

Can be used only if options "-folder", "-host", "-pool" are used
-edit Edits the object. Use with "-folder" only to modify a folder. Use with "-folder" and "-archive" to modify the selected archive in the selected folder.
Can be used only if option "-folder" is used
-remove Removes an archive folder if used with "-folder" only. Removes the archive in the specified folder if used with "-folder" and "-archive".
Can be used only if option "-folder" is used
-force Used with "-remove", will remove the archive folder or archive even if it contains archived objects.
Can be used only if option "-remove" is used
-list Displays the list of archive folders present in the catalog. If used with "-folder", displays the list of archives contained in the specified folder.
-view Displays the list of parameters set for the specified archive folder or archive. Used with "-folder" only, will display folder parameters. Used with "-folder" and "-archive", will display archive parameters.
Can be used only if option "-folder" is used
-description Description Specifies the description to be associated to the created/edited archive folder or archive
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-type Type Specifies the type of created archive folder. Values can be "standard", "db2", "rman", "sap", "sybase", "dfm"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-keywords keyword Specifies the keywords to be associated to the created/edited archive folder or archive
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-remove_keywords Removes all the keywords associated to the archive folder or archive that is being edited
Can be used only if option "-edit" is used
-protected_size Size Specifies the maximum protected size which can be contained in an archive folder. It can be used only if folder is of type "db2", "rman", "sap" or "sybase".
Can be used only if options "-folder", "-edit", "-create" are used
-output_format format Specifies the format used to display the data. Values can be: text, csv
Can be used only if options "-list", "-statistic" are used
-csv_separator separator_char Specifies the separator used with the CSV format (default value is ";")
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-permission permission Specifies the owner or group permissions associated with the created/edited archive folder or archive. Values can be "owner_read", "owner_write", "group_read", "group_write", "other_read", and "other_write" used in a list.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-os_user user_name Specifies the owner name for the created/edited archive folder or archive.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-os_group group_name Specifies the group name for the created/edited archive folder or archive.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-statistic Displays information about the archive folder if used with "-folder" only. Displays information about the archive in the specified folder if used with "-folder" and "-archive".
Can be used only if option "-folder" is used
-cartridge_format cart_format Specifies the cartridge format used for the created/edited archive folder. Format can be tina | tar | cpio | sidf | none
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-file_format file_format Specifies the file format used for the created/edited archive folder. Format can be encode and compress used in a list.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-through_link yes/no Specifies that the link target must be archived, and not the link itself. Values can be "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-pool pool_name Specifies the name of the cartridge pools to be used for the created/edited archive folder. The first cartridge pool will be the main pool. Other cartridge pools will be multiple writing pools.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-host host_name Specifies the name of the host onto which the archive folder is created.
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-manage_acl yes/no Specifies that the ACLs will be archived along with the actual data. Values can be "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-prolog file_path Specifies the path of program or script that is run before the archiving operation is started.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-epilog file_path Specifies the path of program or script that is run after the archiving operation is complete.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-lanfree yes/no Specifies that data is archived on cartridges without transiting via the server. Values can be "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-remove_archived_file yes/no Specifies that source data is automatically removed from disk once it has been archived (copied onto a cartridge). Value can be "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-use_empty_archive yes/no Specifies that data must always be archived in an empty archive. Values can be "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-sync_cart yes/no Specifies that the archiving operation will be considered as complete only when data has actually been written on cartridges. Values can be "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-continue_on_error yes/no Specifies that the archiving operation will proceed even if an error occurs on one of the multiple writing sessions. Value can be "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-keyword_on_archive yes/no Specifies that all the archives contained in the specified archive folder must be assigned at least one keyword. Values can bee "yes" or "no"
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-create" are used
-propagate Specifies that the archive folder keywords will also be assigned to all its existing archives.
Can be used only if options "-edit", "-keyword_on_archive" are used
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_backup -h

Usage: tina_backup -strat A|B|C|D [-full]|[-incr] [-host host]|[-application application] [-path path1 path2 ...1 [path1 path2 ...2]...]|[-file_list file_path]|[-parallel_file_list file_path1 file_path2 ...1 [file_path1 file_path2 ...2]...] [-user user] [-password password] [-encode] [-compress] [-sync_cart] [-v_jobid] [-date_repack yyyymmddhhmm]|[-date yyyymmddhhmm] [-identity identity] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to run backups and to back up objects.

where options include:
-strat A|B|C|D Specifies the backup strategy to use
-full Starts a full backup. This is the default value.
-incr Starts an incremental backup.
-host host Specifies the host onto which the backup is initiated (if not specified, the backup is started on local machine)
-application application Specifies the application onto which the backup is initiated
-date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the backup date
-path path1 path2 ... Specifies absolute paths of objects to be backed up
alias on this option is: -path_src
-file_list file_path Specifies the path of a file containing the absolute paths of objects to be archived (the paths must be separated by carriage returns).
-user user Specifies the name of the user performing the backup
-password password Specifies the user password
Can be used only if option "-user" is used
-encode Specifies that backed up data must be encrypted
-compress Specifies that backed up data must be compressed
-sync_cart Specifies that the backup is considered as completed once data has actually been written on cartridges. If not specified, the backup is complete once data has been written in the cache.
-parallel_file_list file_path1 file_path2 ... Specifies absolute paths of files containing absolute paths of files to be backed up. Each list of files will be backed up simultaneously
-v_jobid Specifies to display the job id
-date_repack yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the backup date
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_bck -h
No help for this command
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_bench -h

Usage: tina_bench [-bench bench_type1 [bench_type2]...] [-format format] [-all_host_from_catalog catalog_name] [-host host1 [host2]...] [-port port] [-volume Select data volume (in MB) for System bench test] [-bs Select I/O block size in KB] [-test_dir test_dir] [-tcp_host tcp_host] [-verbose] [-help]

Enables the encoding and compression of files or streams

where options include:
-bench bench_type Select one or more benchmarks in this list: info, cpu, sys, net, netlocal, pipe, spawn, all
-format format html or txt (default=txt)
-all_host_from_catalog catalog_name Bench all hosts from the catalog. Syntax is [catalog_server:]catalog_name
-host host List of hosts to benchmark or get information from. Default is local host. Syntax is host:port@catalog_server@catalog_name
-port port
-volume Select data volume (in MB) for System bench test
-bs Select I/O block size in KB
alias on this option is: -block_size
-test_dir test_dir Directory for I/O test
-tcp_host tcp_host Target host for TCP/IP network test. Syntax is host@catalog_server@catalog_name
-verbose Add information on output
alias on this option is: -v
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_cache -h

Usage: tina_cache [-purge] [-job_queue <queue_type>] [-jobid <jobid>] [-scan] [-once] [-incl job_type1 [job_type2]...]|[-excl <job_type>1 [<job_type>2]...] [-interval <freq>] [-jobs_to_stderr] [-info] [-path <p>] [-move <n>] [-rename <n>] [-display_states] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

inspects and performs operations on cache axes

where options include:
-purge Purges cache axes for all jobs types in the history
-job_queue <queue_type> Specifies a job queue (ACTIVE, ALL or HISTORIC) for purge (default is HISTORIC), or scan (default is ACTIVE)
-jobid <jobid> Specifies the identifier of the job to purge (default is all jobs of the queue)
alias on this option is: -job_id
-scan Scans cache axes for all the jobs types (default)
-once Scan of cache axes must be performed only once
-incl job_type Specifies job type to be included: BCKP SYNT ARCH REST DUPL XSRC XDST (X stands for export)
-excl <job_type> Specifies job type to be excluded: BCKP SYNT ARCH REST DUPL XSRC XDST (X stands for export)
-interval <freq> Specifies an interval of time in second between each display of cache scan
-jobs_to_stderr Prints job information of the -scan option to error output
-info Cache axis and catalog information
-path <p> Specifies the absolute path where to move or rename a cache file
-move <n> move/rename cache file of axis number <n> in path <p>. Must be used with option -path
Can be used only if option "-path" is used
-rename <n> move/rename cache file of axis number <n> in path <p>. Must be used with option -path
Can be used only if option "-path" is used
-display_states Prints all possible states of jobs, streams and sessions
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_cart -h

Usage: tina_cart -type dev_type -list|-extract -device device_descriptor [-skip number] [-source_data_os_type Windows|Unix|MacOS|Netware] [-old_format] [-verbose] [-offset offset value] [-set_size] [-files file1 [file2]...] [-format TiNa|TiNa2|TiNa3|TiNa4|TiNa5|tar|cpio|raw] [-all] [-no_decode] [-raw_data] [-block_size Size] [-crypt_password password] [-key Key file] [-event_to_console]

Allows to perform operations on cartridges

where options include:
-type dev_type Specifies the type of device used to read the cartridge
-list Displays the list of backed up files
-extract Extracts the backed up files to the current directory
-device device_descriptor Specifies the drive used. Must be a "no rewind" device descriptor
-skip number Specifies the Nth tape file after the cartridge label (0)
-source_data_os_type Windows|Unix|MacOS|Netware Specifies the OS type of the source data to restore
-old_format Mandatory to restore files before the multi stream format use (Unix only)
-verbose Display format header - Tar format only
-offset offset value Specifies the offset value - Modulo 512 bytes - Tar format and Raw File only
-set_size Force the missing extra size - GNU Tar format only
-files file Specifies the list of files to list or extract
-format TiNa|TiNa2|TiNa3|TiNa4|TiNa5|tar|cpio|raw Specifies the backup format of files. Default is TiNa
-all Lists or extracts all the tapes files located on the cartridge
-no_decode Unformat only (no decoding)
-raw_data Restores raw data on Windows systems (Useful to restore segmented files. You must then concatenate segments and convert raw data with ntexport.exe)
-block_size Size Specifies the block size (default is 128K)
alias on this option is: -bs
-crypt_password password Specify a password for encryption/decryption
alias on this option is: -pw
-key Key file Key needed to decode

dev_type: "DAT"
"Exabyte 2GB"
"Exabyte 5GB"
"Mag Tape 6250"
"Streamer QIC24"
"Streamer QIC150"
"CompactTape TK/TZ"
"Streamer QIC525"
"Exabyte 2GB-C"
"Exabyte 5GB-C"
"Disk Drive"
"Virtual Drive"
"DLT 2000"
"DLT 4000"
"Overland 3480"
"Exabyte Mammoth"
"DLT 7000"
"Tandberg SLR32"
"Tandberg SLR50"
"IBM Magstar MP"
"STK T9840"
"IBM 3590"
"Exabyte Mammoth 2"
"AIT (35GB)"
"Exabyte VXA-1 (ECRIX VXA)"
"DLT 8000"
"Raw File"
"Tandberg SLR100"
"AIT2 (50GB)"
"LTO - HPE Ultrium 1"
"LTO - IBM Ultrium 1"
"LTO - SEAGATE Ultrium 1"
"STK T9940"
"SuperDLT 220"
"EMC Tape Emulator"
"Sony DTF2"
"Quantum DX series"
"AIT3 (100GB)"
"Exabyte VXA-2"
"SuperDLT 320"
"LTO - HPE Ultrium 2"
"LTO - IBM Ultrium 2"
"VTL Disk Drive"
"SAIT (500GB)"
"SuperDLT 600"
"Tandberg SLR140"
"DLT VS160"
"LTO - HPE Ultrium 3"
"LTO - IBM Ultrium 3"
"AIT4 (200GB)"
"Fujitsu VTL Drive"
"IBM 3592"
"AITE Turbo"
"AIT1 Turbo"
"AIT2 Turbo"
"Exabyte VXA-320 (VXA-3)"
"DLT VS80"
"AIT5 (400GB)"
"LTO - IBM Ultrium 4"
"LTO - HPE Ultrium 4"
"IBM TS1120"
"Null Disk Drive"
"NearStor VTL Drive"
"IBM TS1130"
"HyperStream Server"
"LTO - IBM Ultrium 5"
"LTO - HPE Ultrium 5"
"IBM TS1140"
"HPE Ultrium 6"
"IBM Ultrium 6"
"IBM TS1150"
"HPE Ultrium 7"
"IBM Ultrium 7"
"HPE Ultrium 8"
"IBM Ultrium 8"
"HPE Ultrium VT"
"IBM TS1155"
"IBM TS1160"
"IBM Ultrium 9"
"HPE Ultrium 9"
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_cart_control -h

Usage: tina_cart_control [-label label] [-pool pool_label] [-pool_dest pool_label] [-drive drive] -close|-reopen|-recycle|-new_spare|-erase|-delete|-status|-create|-duplicate|-read|-chgpath|-list [-depth valueUNIT] [-before]|[-after]|[-all] [-no_empty] [-online_ready] [-nbcart nbcart] [-force]|[-range valueUNIT] [-barcode barcode1 [barcode2]...] [-number number] [-output_format text|csv] [-csv_separator separator] [-short]|[-long] [-do_not_check_data_integrity] [-retention valueUNIT] [-status_filter status_filter1 [status_filter2]...] [-catalog catalog] [-path path] [-path_dest new_path] [-v_name] [-v_barcode] [-v_volume] [-v_unit] [-v_tape_file] [-v_status] [-v_recycling] [-v_location] [-v_rule] [-v_description] [-v_creation_date] [-v_backup_date] [-v_format] [-v_wear_level] [-v_recyclable] [-v_recycle_age] [-v_type] [-v_pool_label] [-v_close_status] [-v_fill_status] [-identity identity] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on cartridges

where options include:
-label label Select a single cartridge using the label
-pool pool_label Specifies the label of the pool used to select cartridges. Used without option -depth, it gives only the cartridge with the newest backup date
alias on this option is: -user
-pool_dest pool_label Specifies the label of the target pool when duplicating cartridges
Can be used only if option "-duplicate" is used
alias on this option is: -user_dest
-drive drive Specifies the cartridge located in the drive. If used with option "-create", it specifies the cartridge type to create
-close Close the selected cartridge
-reopen Reopen the selected cartridge
alias on this option is: -unclose
-recycle Recycle the selected cartridge
-list Displays the list of the cartridges known to the catalog. If used with options, the cartridge list can be sorted and filtered.
-depth valueUNIT Specifies a depth in the past where UNIT can be S, m, H, D, W, M or Y. Cartridges are selected using the backup date
Can be used only if options "-after", "-before" are used
-before Specifies that the cartridges of which the backup dates are before the -depth value are selected
Can be used only if option "-depth" is used
-after Specifies that the cartridges of which the backup dates are after the -depth value are selected
Can be used only if option "-depth" is used
-all Specifies all the cartridges from the selected pool
Can be used only if option "-pool" is used
-no_empty Displays only non empty cartridges from the selected pool
Can be used only if option "-pool" is used
-online_ready Displays the list of cartridges that can be put online (offline and recyclable cartridges). Can be used only if option "-list" is used.

Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-erase Specifies the logical and physical deletion of the cartridge in the catalog
-delete Specifies the logical deletion of the cartridge in the catalog
-new_spare Creates the selected cartridges in the Spare cartridge pool without using a drive
Can be used only if option "-barcode" is used
-status Displays information about selected cartridges
-create Specifies the creation of cartridges
-nbcart nbcart Specifies the number of cartridges on which operation will be done
Can be used only if options "-recycle", "-pool" are used
-force Specifies that operation on cartridge will be forced
Can be used only if options "-recycle", "-erase", "-delete" are used
-barcode barcode Selects a list of cartridges using barcodes
Can be used only if option "-new_spare" is used
-number number Specifies a number for the created cartridge
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-read Performs the physical reading of the cartridge
-range valueUNIT Specifies a time interval in the Past during which the cartridge cannot be deleted. UNIT can be S, m, H, D, W, M or Y. Cartridges are selected using the backup date
-duplicate Duplicates the cartridge
Can be used only if option "-pool_dest" is used
-output_format text|csv Specifies the format used to display cartridge information
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-csv_separator separator Specifies the separator used by the csv output format (default is ";")
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-short Specifies that only the names and barcodes of cartridges will be displayed. Can be used only if options "-status" or "-list" are used.
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-long Specifies that all informations about cartridges will be displayed
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
alias on this option is: -l
-do_not_check_data_integrity Do not check data integrity of each listed cartridge
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-retention valueUNIT Displays only cartridges that will be ready to put online in less time than specified. UNIT can be S, m, H, D, W, M or Y.
Can be used only if option "-online_ready" is used
-status_filter status_filter Specifies the status of the cartridges displayed in the list. Values can be: "closed" , "closed_on_error" , "recyclable" , "full" , "partly_filled" used in a list. The default value is full closed closed_on_error recyclable.
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-path path Selects the cartridges created by the Disk Drive defined by the device descriptor path in the Administration interface.
Can be used only if options "-chgpath", "-path_dest" are used
-path_dest new_path Specifies the destination path of the DiskDrives directory, which contains the cartridges files on the disk.
Can be used only if options "-chgpath", "-path" are used
-chgpath Specifies the modification, in the catalog, of the path of cartridges created by a Disk Drive. Must be used in conjunction with an actual move of the cartridges files on the disk.
Can be used only if options "-path_dest", "-path" are used
-v_name Specifies displaying the cartridge name column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_barcode Specifies displaying the cartridge barcodes column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_volume Specifies displaying the cartridge volume column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_unit Specifies displaying the cartridge volume unit column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_tape_file Specifies displaying the cartridge numbers of the tape file column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_status Specifies displaying the cartridge global status column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_recycling Specifies displaying the cartridge recycling column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_location Specifies displaying the cartridge location column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_rule Specifies displaying the cartridge rule column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_description Specifies displaying the cartridge description column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_creation_date Specifies displaying the cartridge creation date column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_backup_date Specifies displaying the cartridge last backup date column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_format Specifies displaying the cartridge format column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_wear_level Specifies displaying the cartridge wear level column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_recyclable Specifies displaying the cartridge recyclability status column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_recycle_age Specifies displaying the cartridge recycle availability column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_type Specifies displaying the cartridge type column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_pool_label Specifies displaying the cartridge pool label column
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_close_status Specifies displaying the cartridge status
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-v_fill_status Specifies displaying the cartridge filling level
Can be used only if options "-status", "-list" are used
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_catalog_ctrl -h

Usage: tina_catalog_ctrl -start|-suspend|-stop|-maintenance|-status [-catalog catalog] [-help] [-identity identity]

Allows to change catalog activity level

where options include:
-start Brings the specified catalog online
-suspend Stop the specified catalog. The catalog is automatically brought back online when service or daemon is started
-stop Stops the specified catalog. The catalog can only be brought back online trough the -start option
-maintenance Brings the specified catalog in maintenance status
-status Displays catalog status and activity
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_centera -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_cert -h
tina_cert [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-language language Specifies the language
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_check_network -h
Nom : Help
Description: add -tst_num N parameter to get help on specific test

[-file path] : file path to redirect the log

1 : Test network at Os level
2 : Test network at Vos level
3 : Test network at Req level
4 : Test network at Ned level
5 : Test network at Os level with WSA API - Windows only
6 : Display network config
7 : Test keepalive at req level
8 : Test network at Vos level - close socket
9 : Test crypted string exchange over the network
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_clone_catalog -h

Usage: tina_clone_catalog [-disable] [-size size (MB)] [-boot boot_file] [-file file] [-index index1 [index2]...] [-catalog_name catalog_name] [-pipe pipe] [-folder folder1 [folder2]...]|[-skip_folder folder1 [folder2]...] [-boot_restore_index] [-file_size file_size] [-max_catalog_size max_catalog_size] [-help]

Allows to initialize Time Navigator Enterprise Edition, to create the catalog and cache space and to specify their sizes

where options include:
-disable Specifies that hosts will be disabled
-size size (MB) Specifies the catalog size
-boot boot_file Specifies boot file to restore catalog (boot files are created by the Catalog application)
-file file Specifies the file from which the catalog will be restored
-index index Specifies the file from which the index will be restored
-catalog_name catalog_name Specifies the Catalog Name (mandatory with -file option). Obsolete: replaced by the -catalog option
-pipe pipe Specifies the pipe from which the catalog will be restored
-folder folder Specifies a list of folders to restore. Be careful: advanced option only for definitive partial restore
-skip_folder folder Specifies a list of folders NOT to restore. Be careful: advanced option only for definitive partial restore.
-boot_restore_index Force index restoration
-file_size file_size Choose odb file size in MB
-max_catalog_size max_catalog_size Specify maximum catalog size in MB or GB. Specify M/m or G/g at the end. Example: 128G where G stands for GB.
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_cod -h

Usage: tina_cod [-codec codec_list1 [codec_list2]...]|[-decode] [-file_list <file list>1 [<file list>2]...] [-list] [-test] [-crypt_password password] [-quiet] [-help]

Enables the encoding and compression of files or streams

where options include:
-codec codec_list Specifies the codec list to use. Default value is LZO
-decode Decodes a coded file
alias on this option is: -d
-file_list <file list> Specifies the file list to code/test/decode
alias on this option is: -f
-list Displays the list of available codecs
alias on this option is: -l
-test Integrity test
alias on this option is: -t
-crypt_password password Specify a password for encryption/decryption
alias on this option is: -pw
-quiet No output
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h

Advanced options:
where options include:
-stdio Use standard input/output instead of file
alias on this option is: -c
-pipe_in pipe_in Named pipe to read data from
alias on this option is: -pi
-pipe_out pipe_out Named pipe to write data to
alias on this option is: -po
-key Key file Key needed to decode
-compress_rate % Specifies the data compression rate
-gen_key key_file Generate an encrypted key file
-io_mode [backup|file|raw|(io number)] Useful to force io_mode (for cross backup/resto)
-manage_holes On restore, write a file hole instead of all-zero data blocks. The file to be restored must be encoded with HOLE codec.

tina_cod -f file1
encodes file1 with default codec
tina_cod -d -f file1.cod
decodes file1.cod
tina_cod -codec LZO CRYPT -f file1 file2 -pw secret_key

compresses and encrypts file1 and file2 with password "secret_key"
tina_cod -t -f file1.cod file2.cod
tests file1 and file2
tina_cod -c <file >file.cod
codes file from stdin and write to stdout
tina_cod -l
lists all supported codecs
tina_cod -l -v
lists and benches all supported codecs
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_collector_job -h

Usage: tina_collector_job -create|-cancel|-terminate [-db_host db_host] -db_name db_name -collector_name collector_name [-db_port db_port] -jobid jobid [-v_jobid] [-identity identity] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to create, cancel and terminate a Collect Job in catalog.

where options include:
-create Create a new collect job.
-cancel Cancel the specified job
-terminate Terminate successfully the specified collect job.
-db_host db_host To specify database host.
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-db_name db_name To specify database name.
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-collector_name collector_name To specify the name of the entity that executes a collect.
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-db_port db_port To specify database port.
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-jobid jobid Specifies the Job ID
Can be used only if options "-cancel", "-terminate" are used
-v_jobid To display the created job id, available only with create operation.
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_config -h

Usage: tina_config [-encode file]|[-decode file] [-html] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-help]

Allows to get a file containing the description of the specified catalog

where options include:
-encode file Create a encoded file containing configuration (absolute path)
-decode file Decrypt the encoded file containing configuration (absolute path)
-html Display decode option result in an html format
Can be used only if option "-decode" is used
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h

This operation can only be run while connected to a catalog
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_daemon -h
No help for this command
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_daemon_clt -h
ERROR: unknown Time Navigator Enterprise Edition installation path, check your TINA_HOME definition
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_daemon_tunnel -h
ERROR: unknown Time Navigator Enterprise Edition installation path, check your TINA_HOME definition
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_daemon_db2bar_10 -h
bash: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_daemon_db2bar_10: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_db2bar_10 -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_db2bar_10.real: error while loading shared libraries: libdb2apie.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_db2bar_11 -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_db2bar_11.real: error while loading shared libraries: libdb2.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_db2bar_9 -h
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_db2bar_9.real: error while loading shared libraries: libdb2apie.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_dedup -h

tina_dedup -stat -drive drive_name -catalog catalog_name
Display the content of the dev file
tina_dedup -report [-hss_identity] [-use_mirror] [-hss_mirror_identity] [-check_all_headers] [-verbose] -catalog catalog_name
Information on catalog stream UUID with Hyperstream server
tina_dedup -listcart [-catalog catalogname] [-label cartname]
List all dedup cartridges available with dedup info, can specify only one cartridge
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_del -h

Usage: tina_del -path_folder path [-folder folder] [-r]|[-i] [-strat A|B|C|D] [-catalog_only] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to delete file instances from Time Navigator Enterprise Edition catalog

where options include:
-path_folder path Specifies the absolute path of an object
-folder folder Specifies the backup or archive folder
-r Specify the recursive deletion of all backup instances of specified objects
-i Ask which instance of the specified object is to be deleted (default value)
-strat A|B|C|D Lists all instances of a file in the selected strategy (if not used, only one instance per time phase is displayed)
-catalog_only Specifies catalog search only (no agent connection)
alias on this option is: -past
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_drive_control -h

Usage: tina_drive_control -drive drive_name [-host_access host_name] [-test] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on a drive

where options include:
-drive drive_name Specifies the name of the drive on which to operate
-host_access host_name Specifies the name of the host used to access the drive on which to operate
Can be used only if option "-drive" is used
-test Execute drive test
Can be used only if option "-drive" is used
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_drive_event -h
bash: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_drive_event: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_drive_event_viewer -h
bash: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_drive_event_viewer: No such file or directory
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_export -h

Usage: tina_export -folder folder [-path_folder path] [-date yyyymmddhhmm] [-date_dest date] [-strat A|B|C|D] [-catalog_dest catalog] -folder_dest folder [-update] [-strat_dest A|B|C|D] [-path_folder_dest archive_path] [-full]|[-incr] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows you to copy all or part of a backup or archive folder

where options include:
-folder folder Specifies the source folder (backup or archive)
-path_folder path Uses POSIX syntax (/c/tmp or /tmp)
-date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the date of the instance of the source folder to export. If the option is not specified, the default date is the present.
-date_dest date This option is used to perform synthetic backup in the past. It represents the backup date of the exported objects. By default, it is the current date.
-strat A|B|C|D Specifies the strategy associated with the source folder. The option applies to backup folders. If not specified, all strategies defined on the host are defined
-catalog_dest catalog Specifies the destination catalog. If the option is not specified, the default catalog is the source catalog.
-folder_dest folder Specifies the destination folder to export to (backup or archive)
-update Specifies the update of the description and the keywords in the destination folder. The option applies to archive folders.
-strat_dest A|B|C|D Specifies the strategy associated with the destination folder. This option applies to backup folder
-path_folder_dest archive_path Specifies the absolute path of the archive in the destination folder. If not specified, objects in source folder are copied in the destination folder
-full Specifies the full export of all the folder objects
-incr Specifies the incremental export (only the folder objects that have been modified since the last exportation)
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_find -h

Usage: TiNa_find [-path_folder search_path] [-pattern "pattern"] [-host host1 [host2]...]|[-application application1 [application2]...]|[-folder archive_folder] [-depth valueUNIT] [-lost_files] [-strat A|B|C|D] [-all] [-long] [-display_cart] [-nfs] [-date yyyymmddhhmm] [-no_r] [-output_format Format] [-catalog_only]|[-user user]|[-password password] [-csv_separator separator] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to search objects in Time Navigator Enterprise Edition tree. If searching is performed in present, it is performed on the disk

where options include:
-path_folder search_path Specifies the directory from which the search is performed. Default is root
-pattern "pattern" Specifies a list of special characters separated by spaces to be used for search
-host host Specifies the list of hosts onto which searching is performed. If "*" is specified, it will search in all catalog hosts
-application application Specifies the list of applications onto which searching is performed. If "*" is specified, it will search in all catalog applications
-folder archive_folder Specifies the list of folders onto which searching is performed
-depth valueUNIT Specifies a depth in the past where UNIT can be S, m, H, D, W, M or Y
-lost_files Specifies to search only for disappeared objects in defined time navigation period
-strat A|B|C|D Specifies the backup strategy of the searched objects
-all Specifies the display of all instances of searched objects
-long Displays searched objects with detailed information
-display_cart Specifies the display of cartridges containing instances datas
-nfs Specifies to go through NFS mount points during searching
-date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the search date
-user user Specifies the name of the user performing the searching
-password password Specifies the password associated to the user
Can be used only if option "-user" is used
-no_r Specifies not to explore subdirectories
-output_format Format Specifies the format used to display the data. Values can be: text, csv
-catalog_only Specifies catalog search only (no agent connection)
-csv_separator separator Specifies the separator used with the CSV format (default value is ";")
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_folder_control -h

Usage: tina_folder_control [-end_folder_maintenance folder1 [folder2]...]|[-import_folder folder1 [folder2]...] [-file catalog_backup] [-keep_platform_disabled] [-catalog catalog] [-list_folder] [-list_maint_folder] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on a folder

where options include:
-end_folder_maintenance folder Specifies the list of folders for which maintenance must be ended. Be careful: all instances will be lost.
-import_folder folder Specifies the list of folders to import in existing catalog, import is performed for listed folders which are in maintenance state
-file catalog_backup Specifies the catalog backup file from which the folders will be imported
Can be used only if option "-import_folder" is used
-keep_platform_disabled Keep folder's platform disabled
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-list_folder list folders
-list_maint_folder list folders in maintenance
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_frontend_Api -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_frontend_Odb -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_frontend_Ugc
ERROR: unknown Time Navigator Enterprise Edition installation path, check your TINA_HOME definition
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_help -h

Usage: tina_help [-alarm_id ID] [-alarm_list] [-parameter_list] [-parameter tunable_name] [-envvar_list] [-envvar envvar_name] [-app_type appli_type]

Usage: tina_help

where options include:
-alarm_id ID Specifies the alarm id
-alarm_list List all known alarms.
-parameter_list Retrieve known tunables list
-parameter tunable_name Specify the tunable name
-envvar_list Retrieve known environment variable list
-envvar envvar_name Specify the environment variable name
-app_type appli_type Specify the application type
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_IndexUpgrade -h

Usage: tina_IndexUpgrade [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Upgrades index database.

where options include:
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_init -h

Usage: tina_init [-disable] [-config]|[-folder folder1 [folder2]...]|[-skip_folder folder1 [folder2]...]|[-maintain_folder folder1 [folder2]...] [-close_cart] [-size size (MB)] [-nb_instance number] [-boot boot_file] [-file file] [-index index1 [index2]...] [-memory_cache_only cache_size (MB)] [-pipe pipe] [-path path] [-force_reinit]|[-no_reinit] [-catalog_name catalog_name] [-boot_restore_index] [-file_size file_size] [-max_catalog_size max_catalog_size] [-help] [-create]|[-edit] [-property_file parameter_file]

Allows to initialize Time Navigator Enterprise Edition, to create the catalog and cache space and to specify their sizes

where options include:
-disable Specifies that hosts will be disabled
-config Specifies that only configuration will be restored
-close_cart Specifies that all cartridges will be closed
-size size (MB) Specifies the catalog size
-nb_instance number Specifies the maximum number of instances restored per object
-boot boot_file Specifies boot file to restore catalog (boot files are created by the Catalog application)
-file file Specifies the file from which the catalog will be restored
-index index Specifies the file from which the index will be restored
-memory_cache_only cache_size (MB) Specifies a unique memory cache segment for restored catalog, with its size
Can be used only if option "-file" is used
-pipe pipe Specifies the pipe from which the catalog will be restored
-maintain_folder folder Specifies the list of folders to restore empty and in maintenance state, other folders are restored as usual. Be careful: advanced option for temporary partial restore, please refer to the documentation.
-folder folder Specifies a list of folders to restore. Be careful: advanced option only for definitive partial restore
-skip_folder folder Specifies a list of folders NOT to restore. Be careful: advanced option only for definitive partial restore.
-path path Specifies the path (in POSIX format) of the directory to be restored
-force_reinit Force libraries with no barcode to be reinitialized. It may take a long time
-no_reinit Avoid automatic reinitialization of libraries
-catalog_name catalog_name Specifies the Catalog Name (mandatory with -file option). Obsolete: replaced by the -catalog option
-boot_restore_index Force index restoration
-file_size file_size Choose odb file size in MB
-max_catalog_size max_catalog_size Specify maximum catalog size in MB or GB. Specify M/m or G/g at the end. Example: 128G where G stands for GB.
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
-create Indicates that the catalog is created using a property file
Can be used only if option "-property_file" is used
-edit Indicates that the catalog is modified using a property file
Can be used only if option "-property_file" is used
-property_file parameter_file Specifies path of parameter file
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_init_gui -h
Unknown option: h
at /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/Perl/Tina/Frontend.pm line 20.
Tina::Frontend::__ANON__("Unknown option: h\x{a}") called at /usr/TiNa_Path/3rdParty/perl/lib/Getopt/Long.pm line 1074
Getopt::Long::FindOption(ARRAY(0x13e6978), "(--|-|\\+)", "--", "-h", HASH(0x1598ec0)) called at /usr/TiNa_Path/3rdParty/perl/lib/Getopt/Long.pm line 529
Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, ARRAY(0x13e6978), "mode=s", SCALAR(0x1b7e0e0), ...) called at /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/Perl/TinaInit/tina_init.pl line 1383
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_job -h
tina_job [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-language language Specifies the language
-identity user:passwd Specifies the catalog login identity
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_job_control -h

Usage: tina_job_control -jobid jobid -cancel|-pause|-restart|-duplicate|-change_priority top|up|down|bottom|[-view] [-no_wait] [-pool pool_name] [-close_cart] [-empty_cart] [-continue_on_error] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on a job

where options include:
-jobid jobid Specifies the Job ID
alias on this option is: -job_id
-cancel Cancel the specified job
alias on this option is: -abort
-pause Pauses the specified job
alias on this option is: -suspend
-restart Restart the specified job
-duplicate Duplicate the specified job
-change_priority top|up|down|bottom Change the priority of the specified job
-no_wait Does not wait the end of the operation
Can be used only if option "-duplicate" is used
-pool pool_name Specifies the name of the destination cartridge pool of the duplication
Can be used only if option "-duplicate" is used
-close_cart Close the duplicated cartridges
Can be used only if option "-duplicate" is used
-empty_cart Uses empty cartridges to duplicate the job
Can be used only if option "-duplicate" is used
-continue_on_error Continue duplication on data errors
Can be used only if option "-duplicate" is used
-view Display job details
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_ldap -h
Name : Help
Description: add -tst_num N parameter to get help on specific test

1 : Test login
2 : Test Vos login
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_library -h
tina_library [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-library library Specifies the library to be displayed in Library Manager
-language language Specifies the language
-identity user:passwd Specifies the catalog connection login identity
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_library_control -h

Usage: tina_library_control -library library -reinit_status|-reinit_read_label|-reinit_barcode|-reinit_full_inventory|-offline|-online|-list|-content [-retry_mbox_full] [-label cartridge_label]|[-barcode bar_code]|[-pool pool_label] [-output_format Format] [-short]|[-long] [-do_not_check_data_integrity] [-offline_ready] [-csv_separator separator] [-no_wait] [-retention valueUNIT] [-status_filter status_filter1 [status_filter2]...] [-known_cart] [-v_name] [-v_barcode] [-v_volume] [-v_unit] [-v_tape_file] [-v_status] [-v_recycling] [-v_location] [-v_rule] [-v_description] [-v_creation_date] [-v_backup_date] [-v_format] [-v_wear_level] [-v_recyclable] [-v_recycle_age] [-v_type] [-v_pool_label] [-v_close_status] [-v_fill_status] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on a library

where options include:
-library library Specifies the name of the library on which to operate
-reinit_status Specifies that the mention REINIT is removed in tina_adm main window
-reinit_read_label Specifies a label reading reinitialization after a library inconsistency
-reinit_barcode Specifies a barcode reading reinitialization after a library inconsistency
-reinit_full_inventory Specifies a reinitialization with label reading after a library inconsistency
-online Put cartridges in mailbox online
-offline Put one or several cartridges offline. Library must have a mailbox
Can be used only if options "-label", "-barcode", "-pool" are used
-retry_mbox_full If library mailbox is full, the cartridge offline operation is retried until mailbox is ready
Can be used only if option "-offline" is used
-content Prints the physical content of the library
-label cartridge_label Specifies the name of the cartridge to be put offline/online
Can be used only if options "-Out", "-offline", "-online" are used
-barcode bar_code Specifies the barcode of the cartridge to be put offline/online
Can be used only if options "-Out", "-offline", "-online" are used
-pool pool_label Specifies the label of the pool containing the cartridges to put offline
Can be used only if options "-Out", "-offline" are used
-output_format Format Specifies the output format to display library content (default is text)
Can be used only if options "-list", "-content" are used
-list Displays cartridges known in the catalog
-short Specifies that only the names and barcodes of cartridges will be displayed. Can be used only if options "-status" or "-list" are used.
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-long Specifies the display of all known information about cartridges
Can be used only if options "-list", "-content" are used
-do_not_check_data_integrity Do not check data integrity of each listed cartridge
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-offline_ready Displays the list of cartridges that can be put offline
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-csv_separator separator Specifies the separator used by the csv output format (default is ";")
Can be used only if options "-list", "-content", "-output_format" are used
-no_wait Option is obsolete
-retention valueUNIT Displays the list of online cartridges that will be recyclable in more time than specified. Only available if the recyclable status filter is used. UNIT can be S, m, H, D, W, M or Y.
Can be used only if option "-offline_ready" is used
-status_filter status_filter Specifies the status of the cartridges displayed in the list. Values can be: "closed" , "closed_on_error" , "recyclable" , "full" , "partly_filled" used in a list.
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-known_cart Put online only cartridges known to the catalog
Can be used only if option "-online" is used
-v_name Specifies displaying the cartridge name column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_barcode Specifies displaying the cartridge barcodes column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_volume Specifies displaying the cartridge volume column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_unit Specifies displaying the cartridge volume unit column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_tape_file Specifies displaying the cartridge numbers of the tape file column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_status Specifies displaying the cartridge global status column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_recycling Specifies displaying the cartridge recycling column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_location Specifies displaying the cartridge location column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_rule Specifies displaying the cartridge rule column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_description Specifies displaying the cartridge description column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_creation_date Specifies displaying the cartridge creation date column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_backup_date Specifies displaying the cartridge last backup date column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_format Specifies displaying the cartridge format column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_wear_level Specifies displaying the cartridge wear level column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_recyclable Specifies displaying the cartridge recyclability status column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_recycle_age Specifies displaying the cartridge recycle availability column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_type Specifies displaying the cartridge type column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_pool_label Specifies displaying the cartridge pool label column
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_close_status Specifies displaying the cartridge status
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-v_fill_status Specifies displaying the cartridge filling level
Can be used only if option "-list" is used
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_listcart -h

Usage: tina_listcart -label label [-output_format Format] [-csv_separator separator] [-listjob]|[-v_type]|[-v_path]|[-v_backup_date]|[-v_modification_date]|[-v_info_cart]|[-v_folder]|[-v_default] [-data_integrity_check] [-long] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to display the list of all objects located on a given cartridge

where options include:
-label label Specifies the label of the cartridge on which the list of files to display is located
-output_format Format Specifies the format used to display the data. Values can be: text or csv
-csv_separator separator Specifies the separator used with the CSV format (default value is ";")
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-listjob Displays cartridge jobs
-data_integrity_check Displays the platform, the strategy and the archiving date related to cartridge data integrity
-v_type Displays object type
-v_path Displays object names
-v_backup_date Displays the object backup dates
-v_modification_date Displays objects last modification date
-v_info_cart Displays cartridge information on objects
-v_folder Displays the folder name
-v_default Displays default columns (-v_info_cart, -v_backup_date, -v_folder, -v_modification_date, -v_path)
-long Verbose display for -listjob: nb_instances(estimation), ..
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_listjob -h

Usage: tina_listjob -jobid jobid [-force] [-max_obj max_obj] [-all] [-output_format Format] [-csv_separator separator] [-v_size] [-volume_unit Unit] [-v_path] [-v_type] [-v_backup_date] [-v_last_access_date] [-v_modification_date] [-v_info_cart] [-v_barcode] [-v_host] [-v_strat] [-v_sess] [-v_alternate] [-v_default] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Displays the list of all objects attached to a given job

where options include:
-jobid jobid Specifies the ID of the job to which the list of objects to display is attached
-force Specifies that the list of objects must be displayed even if jobs are running (resources used may slow down running jobs)
-max_obj max_obj Specifies the maximum number of objects retrieved by a request
-all Specifies that all objects processed in all sessions of specified job are displayed
-output_format Format Specifies the format used to display the data. Values can be: text or csv
-csv_separator separator Specifies the separator used with the CSV format (default value is ";")
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-v_size Displays object size
-volume_unit Unit Specifies the unit used to display file size. Values can be byte, kilo, mega, giga, tera or best (default value is "byte")
-v_path Displays object names
-v_type Displays object type
-v_backup_date Displays the object backup dates
-v_last_access_date Displays objects last access date
-v_modification_date Displays objects last modification date
-v_info_cart Displays cartridge information on objects
-v_barcode Displays the cartridge barcodes of the objects
-v_host Displays object host
-v_strat Displays object strategy
-v_sess Displays object session
-v_alternate Displays object alternate name
-v_default Displays default columns (-v_info_cart, -v_type, -v_backup_date, -v_size, -v_path)
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_lsm -h
tina_lsm [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-language language Specifies the language
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_mount -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_mount_cart -h

tina_mount_cart -mount |-unmount |-online |-offline |-view [lsm |library |config |cache ] -lib 1st_index [ 2nd_index] -barcode 1st_barcode [ 2nd_barcode] -timeout nb time-disable_lsm -cache

library_definition must be define in Conf/parameters: format = descriptor(drive_1st_index,drive_2nd.....)
drive_definition must be define in Conf/parameters: format = descriptor,tina_drive_name,logical_index

tina_mount_cart -mount -lib 1st_index [ 2nd_index] -barcode 1st_barcode [ 2nd_barcode]

tina_mount_cart -mount -lib 1st_index [ 2nd_index] -barcode 1st_barcode [ 2nd_barcode] -timeout nb time

tina_mount_cart -unmount -barcode 1st_barcode [ 2nd_barcode]

tina_mount_cart -unmount -lib 1st_index [ 2nd_index] -barcode 1st_barcode [ 2nd_barcode]

tina_mount_cart -online -lib index

tina_mount_cart -online -lib index -disable_lsm

tina_mount_cart -offline -lib index -barcode barcode

tina_mount_cart -view library -lib index

tina_mount_cart -view config

tina_mount_cart -view lsm

# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_ngagva_launcher -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_nts -h
No help for this command
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_odbcheck -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_odbedit -h

Usage: tina_odbedit [-opcode opcode] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on catalog contents, where options include:
-opcode opcode Specifies the edit operation
-catalog catalog Name of the catalog
-help This page

opcode value:
opcode 0: Deprecated opcode
opcode 1: Purge invalid job. Reinitialize the status of the job, stream and sessions in the history list which are not in the state "terminated"
opcode 2: Purge invalid gacc. Delete the access groups which do not have an 'user' associated
opcode 3: Deprecated opcode
opcode 4: Deprecated opcode
opcode 5: Reinitialize the location 'ELSEWHERE' by enchaining all the cartridges associated to it
opcode 6: Deprecated opcode
opcode 7: Deprecated opcode
opcode 8: Change folder host type from vms to unix. This enables the restoration of a deleted VMS host archive on unix machines.
opcode 9: Deprecated opcode
opcode 10: Deprecated opcode
opcode 11: Deprecated opcode
opcode 12: Deprecated opcode
opcode 13: Stat sur pourcentage instances / attributs prives par dossier
opcode 14: Check and purge invalid folder / client, appl
opcode 15: Deprecated opcode
opcode 16: Deprecated opcode
opcode 17: Change cartridge type to -dst_type of either:
-src_type <src_type> all tapes of "src_type" type
-label <label> the tape labeled "label"
opcode 18: Erase cartridge barcode if its type is -src_type
opcode 19: Reset invalid job copy mode
opcode 20: Modify cartridge writing FORMAT_CART_NONE format
opcode 21: Purge invalid instances which have been backuped up in LanFree mode
Add -folder <folder name> to check only specific folder.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 22: Purge invalid location which have not associated adminitration object
opcode 23: Purge invalid instances which have incorrect hard-link counter
opcode 24: Deprecated opcode
opcode 25: Deprecated opcode
opcode 26: Modify cartridge writing format from -src_cart_format to -dst_cart_format
opcode 27: Internal: display some tape files informations for debugging
opcode 28: Check catalog case-sensitivity consistence.
Add -folder <folder name> to check only specific folder.
Add -fix to fix found errors.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 29: Purge invalid CRULE of type Tina for which GACC (pool) has been deleted
opcode 30: Deprecated opcode
opcode 31: Change NDMP AS400 application to i5os Application
opcode 32: Purge all replica snapshot
opcode 33: Check IDLs and update catalog state
opcode 34: Fix bad files offsets for GNU Tar backup
opcode 35: Deprecated opcode
opcode 36: Deprecated opcode
opcode 37: Repair cartridge-crule associations
opcode 38: Move terminated jobs to historic
opcode 39: Deprecated opcode
opcode 40: Purge tiles with invalid cart
opcode 41: Repare VMS folders objects created by error with UTF-8 encoding
opcode 42: Reset directories case-sensitivity inside Mac OS folders
opcode 43: reset protected volume on SAP archive
opcode 44: reset disappearance after -disp_time for an entire folder.
-folder <folder name>
-disp_time <yyyymmddhhmmss>
opcode 45: Fix bad filling volume in media -media_name located in pool -pool_name
opcode 46: Convert the type of archive folder specifided by -folder parameter from windows to unix (Warning: Case Sensitivity and i18n may not be properly handled for now)
opcode 47: Deprecated opcode
opcode 48: Reset information about used index
opcode 49: Reset folder and archives alternet encoding in the folder -folder
opcode 50: repair disappearance in past of a given backup folder directory.
-folder <folder name>
-path <object path>
-arch_time <yyyymmddhhmmss>
-dir_type <e.g. 0 for file system directory>
-app_type <e.g. 3 for filesystem application>
Add -strat <strat_letter> for strat B,C or D (Default is A, strategies are exclusive).
Add -jobid for the job identifier, if missing directories are related to a NDMP job or the parent job of a NGA application.
opcode 51: Reinitialize the state of cartridges of a given access group <gacc_name> or of spare and lost+found cartridges when no accgess group name is provided.
Add -gacc_name <gacc_name> to select a particular access group (by default, spare and lost+found access groups are selected)
opcode 52: Check consistency of real and formatted size for objects in cpio format.
-start_arch_time <yyyymmddhhmmss> gives the start date for checking (mandatory).
Add -folder <folder name> to check only specific folder.
Add -fix to fix found errors.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 53: Check consistency of tile given by -tile_idl <idl_tile> and repair it
opcode 54: reset disappearance of all folders
opcode 55: Edit all drives and repair ad_cell_cart.
Add -fix to fix found errors.
opcode 56: Deprecated opcode
opcode 57: Repair folders damaged host name
Add -folder <folder name> to select a particular folder (default is all folders.
Add -host to select host name to register in objects (default is server host).
Add -fix to fix found errors.
Add -iterate to iterate on folder sub-tree.
opcode 58: Repair folders damaged path src
Add -folder <folder name> to select a particular folder (default is all folders).
Add -fix to fix found errors.
Add -iterate to iterate on folder sub-tree.
opcode 59: Repair folders damaged volume path
Add -folder <folder name> to select a particular folder (default is all folders).
Add -fix to fix found errors.
Add -iterate to iterate on folder sub-tree.
opcode 60: Force empty filling status and no compliance rule in cartridge -media_name located in pool -gacc_name (access group)
opcode 61: Repair bad alarms messages encoding
opcode 62: Repair deduplication pool references. Both parameters are mandatory.
-pool_name <pool name> to select the re-created pool
-folder <folder name> to select the folder to repair
opcode 63: TINA/HSS SYNC: Repair tiles in catalog if not matching with hss stream.
Add -fix to fix found errors.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 64: Repair backups presentation names
opcode 65: Repair invalid robot gacc by removing users in excess
opcode 66: Move terminated job with -jobid <jobid> to the head of the historic job queue.
Rule for the order of duplicated jobs is the following:
duplication job must be nearer of the head than the job it duplicated,
or than the father of the duplicated job when parallel.
opcode 67: Remove archives with bad names in a folder (accents or others)
-folder <folder name>
-tag <tag> selection match-substring ("" lists all)
Add -fix to delete with confirmation.
opcode 68: Renumber duplicated identifiers of type -type <type_name>
opcode 69: Check invalid iobj mask properties of a SMS application folder given by -folder <folder_name>.
Add -fix to fix the errors.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 70: Fix terminated date of historic jobs.
opcode 71: Replace the UUID of the catalog by a new one.
opcode 72: Check sidf tile size versus last object for a job given by -jobid <jobid>.
Add -fix to fix the errors.
opcode 73: Clean obsolete NDMP instances in the catalog.
opcode 74: Check cartridges state, close status, and fill status in pool -gacc_name <gacc_name>, or in all pools if not specified.
Add -fix to fix the invalid values so that the cartridge can be read.
Add -status to specify the new close and fill status. By default, status will be partialy filled closed on error.
opcode 75: Repair bad metadata and backup class file format removing erroneous flag FORMAT_FILE_SECURED.
Add -folder <folder name> to check only specific folder.
opcode 76: Scan Write-Jobs to reset Hss-Synchro flag
opcode 77: Run hss synchronization on a single job given by -jobid <jobid>.
Add -fix to fix the errors.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 78: Check if instance status is valid for a given folder -folder <folder_name> starting at -start_arch_time <yyyymmddhhmmss>.
Add -fix to remove not recorded instances.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 79: Check if job size is right, for a job given by -jobid <jobid>.
Add -fix to fix the errors.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 80: Check invalid instances with bad cell-type
Add -folder <folder name> to check only specific folder.
Add -fix to fix found errors.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 81: Check instances in excess for a folder given by -folder <folder_name>, with corresponding application having the type given by -app_type <app_type>. This only apply to instances of HV agents.
Add -fix to delete the exceeding instances.
opcode 82: Repair child application strategies -folder <folder_name>, with corresponding application having the type given by -app_type <app_type>. This only apply to instances of HV agents.
Add -fix to delete the exceeding instances.
opcode 83: Fix secured volume of given folder-folder <folder_name>
opcode 84: Fix HVA view of multiple instances for restore
opcode 85: Search for instance groups exceeding the limit of 4 in a given folder -folder <folder_name>
Add -fix to remove exceeding instances if possible.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 86: Search for office 365 mail folders and print its main characteristics.
Add -export in order to export mails attibutes to external database and -verbose for verbose report.
By default, it only prints the folder characteristics
opcode 87: Repair missing archive time in HVA VMware backup jobs by retrieving it from the duplication job.
Add -verbose for verbose report.
opcode 88: Check cartridges location, fix it if inconsistent -gacc_name <gacc_name>, or in all pools if not specified.
opcode 89: Get children applications and their initial VM name for a given mother application -mother_appl_name <mother_application_name>
Provide -child_appl_name <child_application_name> in order to repair the link of initial delegate to the current folder of this child application.
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_odbfree -h

Usage: tina_odbfree [-folder folder1 [folder2]...] [-dedup_strat strat_num] [-keep_full full] [-invert] [-label label] [-retention days] [-jobid jobid] [-batch] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to delete instances from catalog

where options include:
-folder folder Specifies the folder containing the instances to delete
Can be used only if options "-dedup_strat", "-keep_full" are used
-dedup_strat strat_num Specifies the deduplication strategy of backups from which folder instances are deleted
-keep_full full Specifies the number of full backups from which folder instances are deleted
-invert Must be used with -keep_full n to specify the number of full backups to delete from catalog
Can be used only if option "-keep_full" is used
-label label Specifies the cartridge containing the instances to delete
-retention days Specifies the number of days over which the instances are deleted
Can be used only if option "-label" is used
-jobid jobid Specifies the ID of the job to delete
-batch Specifies if the instances are deleted immediately or later by the garbage collector
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_odbgc -h

Usage: tina_odbgc [-purge] [-hss_sync] [-sync] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to purge trash

where options include:
-purge Launch maintenance job for catalog purge
-hss_sync Launch maintenance job for synchronization with Hyperstream server(s)
-sync Wait for end of maintenance job
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_odbsave -h

Usage: tina_odbsave [-no_compress] [-dir_dest destination_directory]|[-check] [-maintain_folder folder1 [folder2]...]|[-folder folder1 [folder2]...]|[-skip_folder folder1 [folder2]...]|[-config] [-no_job] [-prefix prefix] [-file odbsave_file] [-pipe odbsave_pipe] [-index_dir index_directory] [-catalog catalog] [-verbose] [-help]

Allows to back up Time Navigator Enterprise Edition catalog

where options include:
-no_compress Disable compression if -dir_dest is used
-dir_dest destination_directory Specifies the absolute path of the target directory (directory must already exist)
-check Allows to check the catalog integrity before backing it up
-maintain_folder folder Specifies the list of folders to be saved empty and in maintenance state. Be careful: advanced option for partial backup, please refer to the documentation.
-folder folder Specifies the list of folders to be saved
-skip_folder folder Specifies the list of folders NOT to save
-config Specifies to save only the configuration
-no_job Do not save job information
Can be used only if option "-config" is used
-prefix prefix Specify a backup file name to use in replacement of the default name "catalog_save"
-file odbsave_file Specifies the name and path of the catalog backup file
-pipe odbsave_pipe Allows to back up catalog in a pipe
-index_dir index_directory Specifies the absolute path of Index target directories (directories must already exist)
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-verbose Output some statistics information in console
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h

tina_odbsave > output.save:
backup in standard output redirected to output.save (no compression)
tina_odbsave -config > output:
Backs up administration objects only
tina_odbsave -file save.cod :
backup to save.cod
tina_odbsave -pipe /tmp/pipe.cod :
backup to a named pipe (created by another process)
tina_odbsave -dir_dest /save :
Backs up and creates catalog_save.cod in /save.
"catalog_save" name can be changed with -prefix.
-no_compress prevents data compression (-file, -pipe, -dir_dest)
-check performs the same things as the odbsave but generates no output
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_operator -h
tina_operator [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-language language Specifies the language
-identity user:passwd Specifies the catalog connection login identity
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_perl -h

Usage: /usr/TiNa_Path/3rdParty/perl/bin/perl [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]
-0[octal] specify record separator (\0, if no argument)
-a autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F)
-C[number/list] enables the listed Unicode features
-c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks)
-d[:debugger] run program under debugger
-D[number/list] set debugging flags (argument is a bit mask or alphabets)
-e program one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
-E program like -e, but enables all optional features
-f don't do $sitelib/sitecustomize.pl at startup
-F/pattern/ split() pattern for -a switch (//'s are optional)
-i[extension] edit <> files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)
-Idirectory specify @INC/#include directory (several -I's allowed)
-l[octal] enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator
-[mM][-]module execute "use/no module..." before executing program
-n assume "while (<>) { ... }" loop around program
-p assume loop like -n but print line also, like sed
-s enable rudimentary parsing for switches after programfile
-S look for programfile using PATH environment variable
-t enable tainting warnings
-T enable tainting checks
-u dump core after parsing program
-U allow unsafe operations
-v print version, patchlevel and license
-V[:variable] print configuration summary (or a single Config.pm variable)
-w enable many useful warnings
-W enable all warnings
-x[directory] ignore text before #!perl line (optionally cd to directory)
-X disable all warnings

Run 'perldoc perl' for more help with Perl.
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_perl_cmd -h

Usage: /usr/TiNa_Path/3rdParty/perl/bin/perl [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]
-0[octal] specify record separator (\0, if no argument)
-a autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F)
-C[number/list] enables the listed Unicode features
-c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks)
-d[:debugger] run program under debugger
-D[number/list] set debugging flags (argument is a bit mask or alphabets)
-e program one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
-E program like -e, but enables all optional features
-f don't do $sitelib/sitecustomize.pl at startup
-F/pattern/ split() pattern for -a switch (//'s are optional)
-i[extension] edit <> files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)
-Idirectory specify @INC/#include directory (several -I's allowed)
-l[octal] enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator
-[mM][-]module execute "use/no module..." before executing program
-n assume "while (<>) { ... }" loop around program
-p assume loop like -n but print line also, like sed
-s enable rudimentary parsing for switches after programfile
-S look for programfile using PATH environment variable
-t enable tainting warnings
-T enable tainting checks
-u dump core after parsing program
-U allow unsafe operations
-v print version, patchlevel and license
-V[:variable] print configuration summary (or a single Config.pm variable)
-w enable many useful warnings
-W enable all warnings
-x[directory] ignore text before #!perl line (optionally cd to directory)
-X disable all warnings

Run 'perldoc perl' for more help with Perl.
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_ping -h
Usage: tina_ping -host host [-tina_service_tcp_num tcp_port_number|-tina_service_name service_name] [-bonjour] [-verbose] [-no_icmp_ping] [-register_bonjour] [-help]

This command tests whether Time Navigator Enterprise Edition is running on a machine

-host specifies the name or IP address of the machine
-tina_service_name specifies the service name
-tina_service_tcp_num specifies the Time Navigator Enterprise Edition TCP port number
-verbose specifies to display the information related to the running of the command
-detail specifies to display the detailed information
-no_icmp_ping specifies to not use the ICMP protocol
-test_licence checks access to the licence server
-bonjour specifies to browse started catalogs using bonjour services
-register_bonjour specifies to register a catalog test
-help prints this help
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_qdb -h

Usage: tina_qdb [-catalog catalog] [-command_file command_file] [-help]

Allows to debug catalog

where options include:
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-command_file command_file Specifies a file containing a sequence of tina_qdb commands
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_replicmp -h

Usage: tina_replicmp -application application -strat strat [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Helper that verifies the destination content of a replication.

where options include:
-application application
-strat strat
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_report -h

Usage: tina_report [-customer_id customer_id] [-detailed_invoice]|[-simple_invoice]|[-start_date yyyymmddhhmm]|[-end_date yyyymmddhhmm] [-v_archives] [-volume_unit kilo|mega|giga|tera] [-output_format text|xml|csv] [-csv_separator csv_separator] [-xml_stylesheet_file file] [-xml_stylesheet_type stylesheet_type] [-file file] [-decode]|[-encode] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-help]

Display information about the backups which occurred during a specified period

where options include:
-customer_id customer_id Specifies the identifier of the customer
-start_date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the beginning of the period
Can be used only if option "-simple_invoice" is used
-end_date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the end of the period
Can be used only if options "-start_date", "-simple_invoice" are used
-simple_invoice Specifies a simple data display
-detailed_invoice Specifies a detailed data display
-v_archives Displays all the archives of each archive folder
Can be used only if option "-detailed_invoice" is used
-volume_unit kilo|mega|giga|tera Specifies the unit used to display volume data
-output_format text|xml|csv Specifies the format used to export the data
-csv_separator csv_separator Specifies the separator used with the CSV format (default value is ";")
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-xml_stylesheet_file file Name of the stylesheet that will be used to display the XML document
Can be used only if option "-output_format" is used
-xml_stylesheet_type stylesheet_type Stylesheet type
Can be used only if options "-output_format", "-xml_stylesheet_file" are used
-file file Specifies the output file
-encode Create an encrypted file
Can be used only if option "-file" is used
-decode Decrypt an encrypted file
Can be used only if option "-file" is used
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_restore -h

Usage: tina_restore -path_folder path1 [path2]...|-file_list file_list [-file_list_dest file_path] [-behavior_if_file_not_exist continue|continue_with_error_code|abort] [-ex_path_folder path1 [path2]...]|[-ex_file_list file_path] [-folder folder] [-path_dest path] [-folder_dest folder] [-drive drive] [-strat A|B|C|D] [-mode rename|abort|replace|ignore|...] [-date yyyymmddhhmm[ss]] [-depth valueUNIT] [-no_rewind] [-silent] [-offline_mode ignore|abort|request] [-all_vers] [-user user] [-password password] [-v_jobid] [-error_mode continue|abort|replace_after_reboot] [-test_mode standard|server_only] [-do_not_restore_security_attributes] [-secure_interactive_password]|[-secure_session_password_id secure_session_password_id] [-xml_restore_parameters_file xml_restore_parameters_file] [-file_mode_interactive_user] [-restore_chronological_order] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to restore the content of backup or archive folders

where options include:
-path_folder path Specifies the list of object paths to be restored. Paths must be absolute and syntax is operating system like
-file_list file_list Specifies the absolute path of a file containing a list of absolute paths of all objects to be restored (one per line)
-file_list_dest file_path Specifies the absolute path of a file containing the list of destination relative paths for all objects to be restored (one path per line)
Can be used only if option "-file_list" is used
-behavior_if_file_not_exist continue|continue_with_error_code|abort Specifies the behavior if a file of the file_list file does not exist in the catalog for restoration. Default behavior is: continue
Can be used only if option "-file_list" is used
alias on this option is: -behavior_if_file_not_exist
-ex_path_folder path Specifies absolute paths of objects not to be restored (use POSIX syntax)
-ex_file_list file_path Specifies the absolute path of a file containing a list of absolute paths of all objects not to be restored (one per line)
-folder folder Specifies the source backup or archive folder. If not specified, the backup folder of the local machine is selected. (Use the notation "host.name" or "appl.name" for backup folders)
-path_dest path Specifies the destination path of the objects to be restored on the host. The syntax is operating system like. This option is mandatory if the source folder is an archive folder
-folder_dest folder Specifies the destination folder
-drive drive Specifies the drive of the local machine. Used only with local archive folders
-strat A|B|C|D Specifies the restore of objects backed up by the specified strategy
-mode rename|abort|replace|ignore|... Specifies the object restore mode. "rename" renames the object if it already exists. "rename_restored" renames the restored object if it already exists. "abort" stops the restore if the object exists, "replace" deletes the object if it exists and replaces, "ignore" keeps the disk object, "ignore_same" keeps disk object if it already exists and is identical, "ignore_recent" keeps the disk object if it already exists and is more recent.
-date yyyymmddhhmm[ss] Specifies the visualization date in the past. If not specified, the latest instance is selected
-depth valueUNIT Specifies a depth in the past where UNIT can be S, m, H, D, W, M or Y.
-no_rewind Enforces the cancelling of media rewinding between two restore sessions
-silent Specifies that the command will run silently.
-offline_mode ignore|abort|request Specifies the operation to perform if cartridges containing data to restore are offline. "ignore" allows to ignore objects requiring unavailable data, "request" allows to make a request to the cartridge operator to put cartridges online (default value), "abort" allows to stop the restore session
-all_vers Specifies that all versions of selected objects will be restored.
alias on this option is: -all_inst
-user user Specifies the user name used to identify on target machine
-password password Specifies the password associated to user option
Can be used only if option "-user" is used
-v_jobid Specifies to display the job id
-error_mode continue|abort|replace_after_reboot Specifies the behavior to adopt when encountering an error
-test_mode standard|server_only Specifies the restore test mode. "standard" makes all restore operations except the final write
-do_not_restore_security_attributes Specifies not to restore security attributes
-secure_interactive_password Specifies to ask interactively for certificate passwords
-secure_session_password_id secure_session_password_id Specifies the certificate and password session to use during secured restore
-xml_restore_parameters_file xml_restore_parameters_file Specifies an XML file path containing restore parameters
-file_mode_interactive_user Specifies to ask interactively user credentials for file mode restore
Can be used only if option "-xml_restore_parameters_file" is used
-restore_chronological_order Specifies to restore in the same order objects were backed up
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_sched -h
tina_sched [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-historic_hours hours Number of hours displayed in the historical time phase
-scheduled_hours hours Number of hours displayed in the scheduled time phase
-estimation number Number of backups used to calculate
the average duration of scheduled backups
-language language Specifies the language
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_scm -h
tina_scm [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-language language Specifies the language
-identity user:passwd Specifies the catalog login identity
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_scm_control -h

Usage: tina_scm_control [-create]|[-import import_type] [-name object_name] [-hashcode hashcode] [-private_data private_data] [-comment comment] [-file file_name] [-password password] [-new_password new_password] [-host host_name] [-no_catalog] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-help]

Allows to maintain security and compliance objects

where options include:
-create Specifies the creation of a master certificate
Can be used only if options "-name", "-comment", "-hashcode", "-private_data", "-password" are used
-name object_name Specifies the master certificate name
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-hashcode hashcode Specifies the master certificate hashcode
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-private_data private_data Specifies the master certificate private data
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-comment comment Specifies the master certificate comment
Can be used only if option "-create" is used
-import import_type Specifies the import of a certificate and the type of import to be performed. Values can be "local", "rest" or "com"
Can be used only if option "-file" is used
-file file_name Specifies the file path containing certificate data
Can be used only if option "-import" is used
-password password Specifies the password to be used with certificate
Can be used only if options "-import", "-create" are used
-new_password new_password Specifies the certificate new password
Can be used only if option "-import" is used
-host host_name Specifies the remote host for which certificate is imported
Can be used only if option "-import" is used
-no_catalog Specifies to run the command without being connected to any catalog
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_sendmail -h

Usage: tina_sendmail -server smtp_server -to email_address1 [email_address2]...|-tofile file [-cc email_address1 [email_address2]...] [-from email_address] [-subject subject] [-body body_text]|[-body_file body_file1 [body_file2]...] [-attach attachment_list1 [attachment_list2]...] [-charset charset] [-port port] [-user user] [-pass pass] [-help]

Enables the encoding and compression of files or streams

where options include:
-server smtp_server SMTP server name
alias on this option is: -smtpserver
-to email_address Recipient address list
-tofile file File containing address list
-cc email_address Create copy of address list
-from email_address Sender address
-subject subject Subject of the mail
-body body_text Mail body
-body_file body_file File including mail body
alias on this option is: -bodyfromfile
-attach attachment_list Give a list of files to attach to this mail
alias on this option is: -fileattached
-charset charset charset encoding such as utf-8 or iso-8859-1 for Subject and Body string (us-ascii by default)
-port port SMTP server port (default is 25)
-user user optional user for SMTP Authentication Service Extension
-pass pass optional password for SMTP Authentication Service Extension
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_shell -h

Usage: tina_shell [-file script_file] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-help]

Allows to create and edit objects in catalog Time Navigator Enterprise Edition

where options include:
-file script_file Specifies a file containing a sequence of tina_shell commands
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_sidf -h

Usage: tina_sidf [-type dev_type] [-list]|[-scan]|[-extract] [-scan_nb_obj_to_list nb_objects] [-scan_skip_size size_MB] [-device device_descriptor] [-skip n] [-range [device,skip,count][...]] [-files file1 [file2]...] [-format sidf|raw] [-all] [-no_decode] [-raw_data] [-block_size Size] [-force_ask_type] [-crypt_password password] [-key Key file] [-host host_name] [-catalog catalog] [-event_to_console]

Allows to list/extract data on cartridges in Sidf format (for TiNa, tar or cpio format, see the tina_cart command).

where options include:
-type dev_type Specifies the type of device used to read the cartridge
-list Displays the list of backed up files
-extract Extracts the backed up files to the current directory
-scan List the first files of each tape file
-scan_nb_obj_to_list nb_objects Number of files to list before skipping to the next segment
-scan_skip_size size_MB File size thresold (MB) to skip to the next segment
-device device_descriptor Specifies the drive used. Must be a "no rewind" device descriptor
-skip n Specifies the Nth tape file after the cartridge label (0)
-range [device,skip,count][...] Specifies the list of tape files range to list or extract
-files file Specifies the list of files to list or extract
-format sidf|raw Specifies the file backup format. Default is sidf
-all Lists or extracts all the tapes files located on the cartridge
-no_decode Unformat only (no decoding)
-raw_data Restores raw data on Windows systems (useful to restore segmented files. You must then concatenate segments and convert raw data with ntexport.exe).
-block_size Size Specifies the block size (default is 128k)
alias on this option is: -bs
-force_ask_type Specifies to ask the user to provide the drive type for each new tape file to list or extract
-crypt_password password Specify a password for encryption/decryption
alias on this option is: -pw
-key Key file Key needed to decode
-host host_name Specifies the host used to read drive. Must be a known DNS hostname. -catalog is mandatory with this option.
-catalog catalog Catalog name

List of supported devices (for -type option):
"Magneto-Optical" "Exabyte 2GB" "Exabyte 5GB"
"3480" "Mag Tape 6250" "Streamer QIC24"
"Streamer QIC150" "CompactTape TK/TZ" "Streamer QIC525"
"Exabyte 2GB-C" "Exabyte 5GB-C" "DAT-C"
"Disk Drive" "Virtual Drive" "DLT 2000"
"DLT 4000" "Overland 3480" "Exabyte Mammoth"
"DLT 7000" "Tandberg SLR32" "Tandberg SLR50"
"IBM Magstar MP" "STK T9840" "IBM 3590"
"Exabyte Mammoth 2" "AIT (35GB)" "Exabyte VXA-1 (ECRIX VXA)"
"DLT 8000" "Raw File" "Tandberg SLR100"
"AIT2 (50GB)" "LTO - HPE Ultrium 1" "LTO - IBM Ultrium 1"
"LTO - SEAGATE Ultrium 1" "STK T9940" "SuperDLT 220"
"EMC Tape Emulator" "DLT1" "Sony DTF2"
"Quantum DX series" "AIT3 (100GB)" "Exabyte VXA-2"
"SuperDLT 320" "LTO - HPE Ultrium 2" "LTO - IBM Ultrium 2"
"VTL Disk Drive" "SAIT (500GB)" "SuperDLT 600"
"Tandberg SLR140" "UDO" "DLT VS160"
"LTO - HPE Ultrium 3" "LTO - IBM Ultrium 3" "AIT4 (200GB)"
"LTO - TANDBERG LTO-2" "Fujitsu VTL Drive" "IBM 3592"
"AITE Turbo" "AIT1 Turbo" "AIT2 Turbo"
"LTO - QUANTUM 3" "Exabyte VXA-320 (VXA-3)" "DLT-S4"
"DLT VS80" "T10000A" "AIT5 (400GB)"
"LTO - IBM Ultrium 4" "LTO - HPE Ultrium 4" "IBM TS1120"
"Null Disk Drive" "UDO2" "NearStor VTL Drive"
"HyperStream Server" "LTO - QUANTUM 4" "LTO - IBM Ultrium 5"
"LTO - HPE Ultrium 5" "LTO - QUANTUM 5" "IBM TS1140"
"T10000B" "T10000C" "HPE Ultrium 6"
"TANDBERG LTO-6" "T10000D" "IBM TS1150"
"HPE Ultrium 7" "IBM Ultrium 7" "QUANTUM LTO7"
"TANDBERG LTO-7" "HPE Ultrium 8" "IBM Ultrium 8"
"IBM TS1155" "IBM TS1160" "IBM Ultrium 9"

Range syntax:
-range "[device,skip,count][device2,skip,count]..." Several ranges can be specified
[device,skip,count][,skip,count] means device is the same but we generate a pause to manually change the media
[device1,skip] if the parameter count is not specified, reading continues until the end of the session or the end of the tape file
This option is useful for stream splited in several tape files

tina_sidf -list -device /dev/rmt0 -skip 1
list objects from tape file 1
tina_sidf -extract -range "[/dev/rmt0,13,1][,1]"
extract object from tape file 13 and ask to insert the next media and continue extracting tape file 1 until the end of the stream
tina_sidf -list -device /dev/rmt0 -i
interactive mode with some options already set
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_start_backup -h

Usage: tina_start_backup -host host|-application application -strat A|B|C|D [-full]|[-incr] [-sync] [-v_jobid] [-identity identity] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to initiate an incremental or full backup on any host

where options include:
-host host Specifies the name of the host to be backed up
-application application Specifies the name of the application to be backed up
-strat A|B|C|D Specifies the backup strategy to be used
-full Specifies a full backup (default setting)
-incr Specifies an incremental backup
-sync Specifies to synchronize the end of the command with the end of the backup launched
-v_jobid Specifies to display the job id
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_stat -h

Usage: tina_stat [-help]

Allows to display statistics about the specified catalog

where options include:
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_stk -h

NAME : /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real - Version


/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -m -v volume -d drive
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -u -v volume -d drive [-f]
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -c
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -C
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -j all [-n mbx_number] [-N]
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -i
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -I
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -g [-n mbx_number] [-N]
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -l library -s
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_stk.real -h


-l the library name (CatalogName_Library: see Vtl dir)
-c Show the library contents in vtl_info format using pool definition
-C Create vtl_info
-d drive Drive device descriptor
-f Force current operation (umount or content)
-g Make CAP ready to enter cartridges
-h Display help
-i Display server information in tina_stk.conf format
-I Create tina_stk.conf
-j all Eject cartridges displayed in the mailbox
-m Put a cartridge in the drive
-N All Mail box
-n Mail box number
-s Associate cartridge barcode range to the pool
-u Unmount
-v volume Barcode of the cartridge

RCSID: @(#) $Id$
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_stop -h

Usage: tina_stop [-host host1 [host2]...] [-help]

Allows to stop Time Navigator Enterprise Edition. If option -host is not used, the program only stops application on local host

where options include:
-host host Specifies the host(s) onto which the application is stopped
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_storage_ctrl -h

Usage: tina_storage_ctrl [-list_pools] [-list_folders] [-list_objects] [-list_content] [-erase_content] [-pool pool_name] [-folder folder_name] [-object object_name] [-start_date yyyymmddhhmmss] [-end_date yyyymmddhhmmss] [-force] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows operations on a deduplication pool

where options include:
-list_pools Lists all deduplication pools
-list_folders Lists folders that have containers in specified deduplication pool
-list_objects Lists objects in specified folders that have containers in specified deduplication pool
-list_content Retrieves recycling information of pool content
-erase_content Erases the content of the pool from the catalog, erasing from deduplication storage will be performed by next maintenance job
-pool pool_name Specifies the pool to which the list or erase operations of the pool content are applied
-folder folder_name Specifies the folder to which the list or erase operations are applied for the pool
-object object_name Specifies the object to which the list or erase operations are applied
-start_date yyyymmddhhmmss Specifies the backup date from which the list and erase operations are applied
-end_date yyyymmddhhmmss Specifies the backup date up to which the list and erase operations are applied
-force Forces operation on deduplication pool
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_stream -h

Usage: tina_stream -pipe pipe -folder folder -archive archive_path [-create_archive] [-keywords keywords] -name object_name -user user [-silent] [-pool pool_name] [-drive drive] [-sync_cart] [-date yyyymmddhhmm] [-v_jobid] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to read data flows send through a named pipe. Once read, data is archived on a cartridge belonging to the user's cartridge pool

where options include:
-pipe pipe Specifies a named pipe (using syntax of local operating system)
-folder folder Specifies the destination archive folder
-archive archive_path Specifies the destination archive in folder
-create_archive Specifies the creation of the destination archive if it does not exist
-keywords keywords Specifies the keywords to add in archive when archive is created
Can be used only if option "-create_archive" is used
-name object_name Specifies the name of created object in the archive_dest destination archive
-user user Specifies the owner of the created object
-silent Specifies that the command is executed without any information displayed
-pool pool_name Specifies a list of cartridge pools limited to 4 pools (available only with central archive folders)
-drive drive Specifies the drive of the local machine, available only with local archive folders
-sync_cart Specifies the end of archiving once data has been written on cartridges
-date yyyymmddhhmm Specifies the archiving date
-v_jobid Specifies to display the job id
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_synccloud -h

Usage: tina_synccloud [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-list_clients]|[-client UUID]|[-synchronize mode] [-path_to_remove full_path]|[-remove] [-config_name config_name] [-console] [-help]

Command line tool to synchronize catalog and CLOUD

where options include:
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-synchronize mode check|normal|force
-list_clients List CLOUD Clients declared for a Catalog
-client UUID UUID of CLOUD Client. Used to remove a single file from this client, remove this client from CLOUD depending on other parameters or simply list its content.
-path_to_remove full_path Full path, including time extension, of the file to remove from client. Be careful: this option should only be used if recommended by the Customer Support.
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-remove Request to remove client from CLOUD. Be careful: this option should only be used if recommended by the Customer Support.
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-config_name config_name Configuration to connect to CLOUD, as it is known from the catalog.
-console Specifies output to console mode (implicit when -list_clients or -client are specified)
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_synchvds -h

Usage: tina_synchvds [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-catalog_id UUID] [-list_clients]|[-client UUID]|[-synchronize mode] [-path_to_remove full_path]|[-remove] [-config_name config_name]|[-hvds_server server_name]|[-hvds_port port_num]|[-hvds_user user_name]|[-hvds_password Password] [-report] [-console] [-help]

Command line tool to synchronize catalog and HVDS

where options include:
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-catalog_id UUID ID string of a Catalog to operate on. If not provided, UUID of catalog used to authenticate will apply.
-synchronize mode check|normal|force
-list_clients List HVDS Clients declared for a Catalog
-client UUID UUID of HVDS Client. Used to remove a single file from this client, remove this client from HVDS depending on other parameters or simply list its content.
-path_to_remove full_path Full path, including time extension, of the file to remove from client. Be careful: this option should only be used if recommended by the Customer Support.
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-remove Request to remove client from HVDS. Be careful: this option should only be used if recommended by the Customer Support.
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-config_name config_name Configuration to connect to HVDS, as it is known from the catalog.
-hvds_server server_name Name (or IP address) of HVDS server to connect to
Can be used only if options "-hvds_port", "-hvds_user", "-hvds_password" are used
-hvds_port port_num Port number to connect to HVDS server
Can be used only if options "-hvds_server", "-hvds_user", "-hvds_password" are used
-hvds_user user_name User name to authenticate with HVDS server
Can be used only if options "-hvds_server", "-hvds_port", "-hvds_password" are used
-hvds_password Password Password to authenticate user with HVDS server
Can be used only if options "-hvds_server", "-hvds_port", "-hvds_user" are used
-report Select report mode of this command. Write report to console.
Can be used only if option "-config_name" is used
-console Specifies output to console mode (implicit when -list_clients or -client are specified)
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_syncxdcs -h

Usage: tina_syncxdcs [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-list_clients]|[-client UUID]|[-synchronize mode] [-path_to_remove full_path]|[-remove] [-config_name config_name] [-console] [-help]

Command line tool to synchronize catalog and XDCS

where options include:
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-synchronize mode check|normal|force
-list_clients List XDCS Clients declared for a Catalog
-client UUID UUID of XDCS Client. Used to remove a single file from this client, remove this client from XDCS depending on other parameters or simply list its content.
-path_to_remove full_path Full path, including time extension, of the file to remove from client. Be careful: this option should only be used if recommended by the Customer Support.
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-remove Request to remove client from XDCS. Be careful: this option should only be used if recommended by the Customer Support.
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-config_name config_name Configuration to connect to XDCS, as it is known from the catalog.
-console Specifies output to console mode (implicit when -list_clients or -client are specified)
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_syncxdf -h

Usage: tina_syncxdf [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-catalog_id UUID] [-list_clients]|[-client UUID]|[-synchronize mode] [-path_to_remove full_path]|[-remove] [-config_name config_name] [-console] [-help]

Command line tool to synchronize catalog and XDF

where options include:
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-catalog_id UUID ID string of a Catalog to operate on. If not provided, UUID of catalog used to authenticate will apply.
-synchronize mode check|normal|force
-list_clients List XDF Clients declared for a Catalog
-client UUID UUID of XDF Client. Used to remove a single file from this client, remove this client from the XDF server depending on other parameters, or simply list its content.
-path_to_remove full_path Full path, including time extension, of the file to remove from client
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-remove Request to remove client from XDF
Can be used only if option "-client" is used
-config_name config_name Configuration to connect to the XDF server, as it is known from the catalog.
-console Specifies output to console mode (implicit when -list_clients or -client are specified)
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_tpl_back_end -h
TINA_HOME is not set!
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_tpl_back_end.real -h
ERROR: unknown Time Navigator Enterprise Edition installation path, check your TINA_HOME definition
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_tunable_ctrl -h

Usage: tina_tunable_ctrl [-verbose] [-catalog catalog] [-identity identity] [-file file] [-hosts hosts1 [hosts2]...] [-name name] [-comment comment] [-catalogs catalogs1 [catalogs2]...] [-binaries binaries1 [binaries2]...] [-values values1 [values2]...] [-disabled] [-force] [-merge] [-remove] [-help]

Command line tool to deploy or update tunables on a host list

where options include:
-verbose Display more detailed information
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-identity identity Catalog identity of the user. Identity format is "user:passwd" or "user"
-file file File containing the list of hosts to deploy the tunable. 1 host name by row. If set, -hosts is ignored
-hosts hosts List of hosts where to deploy the tunable
-name name Name of the tunable. If not set, tunables are read from host and displayed in logs.
-comment comment Comment of the tunable
-catalogs catalogs List of catalogs for which the tunable is active. * by default
-binaries binaries List of binaries for which the tunable is active. * by default
-values values Value or list of values if the tunable is an array
-disabled If set, the tunable will be disabled (but not removed)
-force Overwrite the old values if tunable already exists on the host
-merge Merge catalogs and binaries list if tunable already exists on the host. New values replace old ones as we don't know if tunable is an array type. Enable is preferred to disabled, new comment is used if exists
-remove Remove tunable from host
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_user_info -h
tina_user_info [-options ...]
where options include:
-help Prints out this message
-catalog catalog Specifies the working catalog
-language language Specifies the language
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_user_info_cmd -h

Usage: tina_user_info_cmd [-output_format text|csv] [-csv_separator csv_separator] [-start_eub]|[-abort_eub] [-catalog catalog] [-help]

tina_user_info_cmd: Agent Job Info

where options include:
-output_format text|csv Specifies the format used to export the data
-csv_separator csv_separator Specifies the separator used with the CSV format (default value is ";")
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_vls -h

NAME: /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_vls.real
Version: 2.6.1


/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_vls.real -l library -m -v barcode -d drive
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_vls.real -l library -u -v barcode -d drive
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_vls.real -l library -j
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_vls.real -l library -g -v barcode
/usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/.tina_vls.real -h


-c Show the library contents in vtl_info format
-C Create vtl_info
-d drive Specify the drive logical index (DRIVEn)
-g Put the cartridge on-line
-h Display the online help
-j Put the cartridge(s) off-line
-l library Specify the library device descriptor
-m Mount a cartridge in the drive
-n Number of cartridges to add
-u Unmount a cartridge
-v barcode Specify the barcode of the cartridge

RCSID: @(#) $Id$
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_vlsa -h

<Ouvre le GUI des VLS>
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_web_info_rest -h

Usage: tin@_web_info_rest -list_host|-list_folder|-job_stat job_id [-catalog catalog] [-help]

Allows to perform operations on archive folders and archives

where options include:
-list_host Displays the list of catalog hosts
-list_folder Displays the list of catalog folders
-job_stat job_id Displays the status of the specified job
-catalog catalog Catalog name
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_xattr -h
Name : Help
Description: add -tst_num N parameter to get help on specific test

1 : Test stat
2 : Test copy
3 : Test dump
4 : Test add
5 : Test del
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_xdcs_srv -h
usage: tina_xdcs_srv [option]

Common options:
-help Display this help screen and exit.
-config Generate a configuration file with default values and exit.

Windows only:
-install Install the XDCS service and exit.
-remove Uninstall the XDCS service and exit.
-debug Run the service as a standard application. Ctrl+C to quit.
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_xxx -h

tina_xxx [-h] [-I]
tina_xxx is a dummy library management software used to create the VTL configuration files.
# /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_zip -h

Usage: tina_zip [-create Path1 [Path2]...]|[-extract Archive1 [Archive2]...]|[-list]|[-test Archive1 [Archive2]...]|[-scan Path1 [Path2]...]|[-encode Files1 [Files2]...] [-archiver archiver] [-crypt_password password] [-no_compress] [-crypt] [-codec codec_list1 [codec_list2]...] [-sign] [-stat] [-mime] [-filter pattern1 [pattern2]...] [-mime_filter mime_type1 [mime_type2]...] [-verbose] [-final_info] [-progress] [-block_size block_size] [-rest_path rest_path] [-no_decode] [-help]

tina_zip store files and directories in archive with compression like Winzip. It can use various formats (tar, cpio, tina5, sidf) but not PK/zip format

where options include:
-create Path Specifies the file/dir list to archive in <archive name>
alias on this option is: -c
-scan Path Scan only file tree. Do not create archive
-test Archive Test of archives
alias on this option is: -t
-extract Archive Extract an archive(s) file(s)
alias on this option is: -x -d
-list Displays the list of available formats
alias on this option is: -l
-encode Files Encodes a list of files
-archiver archiver Select format. Sidf is default format
alias on this option is: -a -format
-crypt_password password Specify a password for encryption/decryption
alias on this option is: -pw
-no_compress Disable compression (compress data is default behaviour)
alias on this option is: -no_cpr
-crypt Enable encryption
alias on this option is: -cipher
-codec codec_list Specifies the codec list to use. Default value is LZO
-sign Add an MD5 signature for each file (only in SIDF format)
-stat Display file system statistics after archiving
-mime Display mime type distribution
-filter pattern Objects filtering
-mime_filter mime_type Objects filtering by mime type
-verbose Add information
alias on this option is: -v
-final_info Add information
alias on this option is: -vv
-block_size block_size Select I/O block size in KB
alias on this option is: -bs
-rest_path rest_path Restore path (current working directory by default)
alias on this option is: -C
-no_decode Unformat only (no decoding)
-help This page
alias on this option is: -h

Advanced options:
where options include:
-stdin Specifies the standard input as the source instead of file
alias on this option is: -in
-key Key file Key needed to decode
-compress_rate % Specifies the data compression rate
-follow_link Focus on link target not on link itself
-io_mode [backup|file|raw|(io number)] Useful to force io_mode (for cross backup/restore)
-manage_holes On restore, write a file hole instead of all-zero data blocks. The file to be restored must be encoded with HOLE codec.
-dtm_default_block_size dtm_default_block_size

Sidf archive creation with file1, file2 and filen:
tina_zip -c arch.sidf file1 file2 filen
Tar archive creation with file1, file2 and filen without output (no writing):
tina_zip -c NULL file1 file2 filen -archiver tar
Test one sidf and one tar archive:
tina_zip -t arch.sidf arch.tar
List an archive (use verbose mode):
tina_zip -t arch.sidf -v
Extracting archive in another location (default is local):
tina_zip -x arch.sidf -C /tmp
Show archivers and codecs choice:
tina_zip -l
tina_zip -l -v (benchmark each codecs)
Show various statistics and information from a tree file:
tina_zip -scan /tmp -stat -mime -vv
Find all executable files or files containing odb:
tina_zip -scan /tmp -mime_filter exe -filter "*odb*" -v
Find all *.doc in archive:
tina_zip -t arch.sidf -filter "*.doc" -v


TiNa help

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