[ TITLE    ] : AAP Backup
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The ability to backup and restore your system is integrated into the platform setup playbook. TL;DRSummary: # ./setup.sh -b // backup# ./setup.sh -r // restore# ./setup.sh -e 'backup_dest=/path/to/backup_dir/' -b // backup in a specific folder# ./setup.sh -e 'restore_backup_file=/path/to/nondefault/backup.tar.gz' -r // restore from a speficic file Make a backupSimple BackupYou make a backup using the same setup.sh script that you use to in

[ TITLE    ] : Ansible Tower - Workflow
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Exemple d’un workflow complet : création d’un inventory, d’un projets, d’un job template, d’un playbook et d’un job sous Git. (On considère ici que votre organisation existe déjà ainsi que vos utilisateurs/groupes et que votre Tower communique bien avec vos machines clients) WorkflowCréation d’un Job (git)Sous Git, créer un projet TEST et cette arboressence : TEST |- playbooks/ | |- Create-a-file-in-directory.yml |- ansible.cfg Ainsi qu’un fichier Create-a-file-in-directory.yml qui c

[ TITLE    ] : Ansible Tower - Organizations
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An Organization is a logical collection of Inventories, Teams (and users), Projects, and Jobs, and is the highest level in the Tower object hierarchy. Access the Organizations page by clicking the Organizations icon from the left navigation bar. The Organizations page displays all of the existing organizations for your installation of Tower. Organizations can be searched by Name or Description. Modify and remove organizations using the Edit and Delete buttons. InventoriesAn Inventory is a coll

[ TITLE    ] : Ansible and Ansible Tower
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Ansible is an IT automation solution and an open-source configuration, deployment, and orchestration tool that integrates with much of technology stack: networking, security, application deployment, storage, software development lifecycle processes, etc. Ansible Tower is the enterprise version of Ansible, and offers more control than the free version and is a great platform for breaking down silos, as it can be used cross-functionally in an efficient manner. Documentationhttps://docs.ansible.co