If you have a certificate problem with your AAP webGUI. Add a certificate1/ DL on your AAP server the certificates (probably a files named like the following: AAP-Server.your.company.org.key.pem and AAP-Server.your.company.org.cert.pem) 2/ In your /etc/tower folder you should have some old certificates, rename them and put your news certificates with the same name: # cp /etc/tower/tower.cert /etc/tower/tower.cert-$(date +%F)# cp /etc/tower/tower.key /etc/tower/tower.key-$(date +%F)# rm /etc/towe
[ TAG ] : AAP
A bash script for backup some configuration files on a distant volume. PrerequiesYou need at least this packages: # yum install nfs-utils# yum intall s-nail // for send mails You need to edit your /etc/fstab and add the following line: nfs-stockage.my.company.org:/backups/aap /mnt/aap-backups nfs defaults 0 0 You can add a cron like this (every monday at 8am): 0 8 * * 1 /root/AAP-scripts/backup-config.sh | mailx -v -s "[AAP] - Backup of $HOSTNAME" -S smtp=mail.m
The ability to backup and restore your system is integrated into the platform setup playbook. TL;DRSummary: # ./setup.sh -b // backup# ./setup.sh -r // restore# ./setup.sh -e 'backup_dest=/path/to/backup_dir/' -b // backup in a specific folder# ./setup.sh -e 'restore_backup_file=/path/to/nondefault/backup.tar.gz' -r // restore from a speficic file Make a backupSimple BackupYou make a backup using the same setup.sh script that you use to in