[ TAG ] : Defrag

[ TITLE    ] : TiNa - Recycle Cartridges and Catalog Backup & Purge/Defrag
[ CATEGORY ] : //
[ DATE     ] :

First, close all TiNa apps (GUI TiNa, etc.). ConnectionConnect to the Tina Server: # ssh TINA-SERVER-001 Recycle cartridgesSeach for the cartridge ready to be recycled with tina_cart_control -list: # /usr/TiNa_Path/Bin/tina_cart_control -list -v_name -v_location -v_recyclable -v_recycle_age -v_status -v_close_status -status_filter recyclable Name Location Recyclable Cycle Age Overall Status StatusP_6M-0001337 ROBOT-T800 Recyclable since 40d 0h Ful