[ TAG ] : License

[ TITLE    ] : FLEXlm - Documentation des commandes
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FLEXlm est une solution de gestion des licences permetant aux éditeurs de logiciels d’imposer des restrictions sur le nombre de licences logicielles disponibles pour leurs clients. Ce type de solution est également appelée DRM (Digital Rights Management). Précisions sur les commandes (EN)FLEXlm provides utilities for the license administrator to help manage the licensing activities on the network. These utilities are: lmcksum (v2.4 or later) : prints license checksums. lmdiag (v4.0 or later) :

[ TITLE    ] : FLEXlm
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FLEXlm est une solution de gestion des licences permetant aux éditeurs de logiciels d’imposer des restrictions sur le nombre de licences logicielles disponibles pour leurs clients. Ce type de solution est également appelée DRM (Digital Rights Management). Outils de FLEXlmIl existe plusieurs outils avec le logiciel FLEXlm : lmutil : programme de FLEXlm lmgrd : daemon du gestionnaire de licences lmtools : application pour diagnostiquer les problèmes de licences (Windows) Les arguments commun à l

[ TITLE    ] : TiNa - License
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Pour vérifier la licence de TiNa VérificationGUISimplement, dans votre interface en haut à droite : Onglet Help > License CLIDans votre console : # /usr/Atempo/TimeNavigator/tina/Bin/ade_admin --cmd license_info Documentationhttps://usergroup.atempo.com/fr/tina/documentation-tina/

[ TITLE    ] : license.dat(5)
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license.datNAMElicense.dat - license configuration file for FLEXlm licensed applications SYNOPSIS/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat DESCRIPTIONA license file consists ofthe following sections: Optional license-server section, withinformation about node where the SERVER (or redundant SERVERs) arerunning, along with a list of all vendor-specific DAEMON(s)that the SERVERneeds to run. This section is required if any features are counted. Features section, consisting of any combination of FEATURE

[ TITLE    ] : license.options(5)
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license.options(5)NAMElicense.opt - site administrator options file for FLEXlm licensed applications SYNOPSISDAEMON name path path/license.opt DESCRIPTIONThe license.opt file contains optional information supplied by the system administrator at the end-user site.This information can be used to tailor the behavior of the license daemons.The options file can contain the following information: reserved license informationlogfile control optionslicense timeout controllicense

[ TITLE    ] : lmbasehostid(1)
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lmbasehostid(1)NAMElmbasehostid - remove partition data from an lmhostid SYNOPSISlmbasehostid lmhostid DESCRIPTIONGiven an lmhostid for an arbitrary partition, lmbasehostid will print the lmhostid for partition 0. NOTESThis tool is only interesting for partitionable O3000 systems. BUGSNo verification of the input lmhostid is done. SEE ALSO lmhostid(1), lmparthostids(1).

[ TITLE    ] : lmcksum(1)
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lmcksumNAMElmcksum - print license checksums SYNOPSISlmcksum [ -k ] [ -c license_file ] DESCRIPTIONlmcksum will perform a checksum of a license file. This is useful to verify data entry errors at your location. lmcksum will print a line-byline checksum for the file as well as an overall file checksum. lmcksum takes the -k switch to force the encryption key checksum to be casesensitive. lmcksum will ignore all fields that do not enter into the encryption key computation; thus the server node nam

[ TITLE    ] : lmdiag(1)
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lmdiagNAMElmdiag - diagnostic checkout tool SYNOPSISlmdiag [ -c license_file ] [-n [feature] DESCRIPTIONlmdiag diagnoses problems when license checkout fails. If no feature is specified, lmdiag will operate on all features in the license file(s) in your path. lmdiag will first print information about the license, then attempt to checkout each license. If the checkout succeeds, lmdiag will indicate this. If the checkout fails, lmdiag will give you the reason for the failure. The the failure is

[ TITLE    ] : lmdown(1)
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lmdownNAMElmdown - graceful shutdown of all license daemons SYNOPSISlmdown [ -c license_file ] [ -q ] DESCRIPTIONlmdown sends a message to every license daemon asking it to shut down. The license damons write out their last messages to the log file, close the file, and exit. All licenses which have been given out by those daemons will rescinded, so that the next time a client program goes to verify his license, it will not be valid. NOTE: In FLEXlm v2.4 and later, lmdown is either a link or a c

[ TITLE    ] : lmgrd(1)
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lmgrdlmgrd is the main daemon program for FLEXlm. When you invoke lmgrd, it looks for the license file which contains the information about vendors and features. On Unix systems, it is strongly recommended that lmgrd be run as a non-privileged user (not root). Usage is: lmgrd [ -app ] [ -c license_file ] [ -t timeout_interval ] [ -l logfile ][ -s timestamp_interval ] [ -2 -p ] [ -v ] [ -x lmdown ] [ -x lmremove ] -appRequired for Windows/NT systems.-c license_fileUse the license file named. If t

[ TITLE    ] : lmhostid(1)
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lmdiagNAMElmhostid - report the hostid of a system SYNOPSISlmhostid [ -type ] [ -n ] DESCRIPTIONlmhostid calls the FLEXlm version of gethostid and displays the results. The output of lmhostid looks like this: lmhostid - Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Highland Software, Inc.The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is “1200abcd” OPTIONS-n Prints the hostid without explanatory header. -typeThis depends on the platform. On most platforms, there’s only one hostid type, so there’s no applicable -type. On hp700

[ TITLE    ] : lmparthostids(1)
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lmparthostidsNAMElmparthostids - generate lmhostids for all possible partitions SYNOPSISlmparthostids [ sysid ] DESCRIPTIONWhen executed with an argument, lmparthostids will print the lmhostid for each possible partition of the current system. The optional sysid argument may be used to compute lmhostids for an arbitrary system. NOTESThis tool is only interesting for partitionable O3000 systems. BUGSNo verification of the input sysid is done. SEE ALSOlmhostid(1), lmbasehostid(1).

[ TITLE    ] : lmremove(1)
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lmremoveNAMElmremove - remove specific licenses and return them to license pool SYNOPSISlmremove [ -c license_file ] { feature user host display } |{ -h feature serverhost port handle } DESCRIPTIONlmremove allows the system administrator to remove a single user’s license for a specified feature. This could be required in the case where the licensed user was running the software on a node that subsequently crashed. This situation will sometimes cause the license to remain unusable. lmremove wi

[ TITLE    ] : lmstat(1)
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lmstat(1)NAMElmstat - report status on license manager daemons and feature usage SYNOPSISlmstat [ -a ] [ -A ] [ -c license_file ] [ -i [feature] ] [ -f [feature]] [ -s [server] ] [ -S [DAEMON] ] DESCRIPTIONlmstat provides information about the status of the server nodes, vendor daemons, vendor features, and users of each feature. Information can be optionally be qualified by specific server nodes, vendor daemons, or features. OPTIONS-a Display everything. -A List all active licenses. -c lic

[ TITLE    ] : lmreread(1)
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lmrereadNAMElmreread - tells the license daemon to reread the license file SYNOPSISlmreread [ -c license_file ] [ daemon ] DESCRIPTIONlmreread allows the system administrator to tell the license daemon to reread the license file. This can be useful if the data in the license file has changed; the new data can be loaded into the license daemon without shutting down and restarting it. lmreread uses the license file from the command line (or the default file, if none specified) only to find the li

[ TITLE    ] : lmswitchr(1)
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lmswitchr(1)NAMElmswitchr - switch REPORTLOG file to a new file SYNOPSISlmswitchr [ -c license_file ] feature new-file DESCRIPTIONlmswitchr switches the FLEXadmin REPORTLOG log file to a new file. The feature argument is to connect to the correct vendor-daemon. All feature log entries for that daemon are moved to the new file. OPTIONS-c license_fileUse the specified license_file. If this switch is not specified, lmswitchr looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE. If that environment v

[ TITLE    ] : lmutil(1)
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lmutil(1)NAMElmutil - generic FLEXlm utility program. SYNOPSISlmutil [ -c license_file ] utility-program DESCRIPTIONlmutil is the “general-purpose” FLEXlm utility program. Normally, endusers would not use lmutil directly, they would use the individual utility programs which are either a copy or a link to lmutil. PARAMETERSutility-program is one of lmcksum, lmdiag, lmdown, lmhostid, lmremove, lmreread, lmstat, lmswitchr or lmver. OPTIONS-c license_fileUse the specified license_file. If this swit

[ TITLE    ] : lmver(1)
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lmver(1)NAMElmver - report the FLEXlm version of a library or binary file SYNOPSISlmver [ filename ] DESCRIPTIONlmver scans the contents of a binary or library file for the FLEXlm version string and displays it. If no argument is given, lmver assumes the filename is liblmgr.a and attempts to find and display the version from that file. SEE ALSOlmutil(1).