[ TAG ] : Logout

[ TITLE    ] : BackupPC - Dark CSS Theme
[ CATEGORY ] : //
[ DATE     ] :

BackupPC WebGUI is just ugly… If you want a original dark theme or a modern dark theme, just replace the following CSS files and restart your web server. Dark ThemesEdit your .css file, for example /usr/share/BackupPC/html/BackupPC_stnd.css Original CSS to darkThe file : /* * BackupPC modern CSS definitions * * Version 4.4.0, released 20 Jun 2020. * * See http: //backuppc.sourceforge.net. * * AUTHOR * Craig Barratt <[email protected]> * Ernesto Carrea <ernestocarrea@g

[ TITLE    ] : BackupPC - Add logout button
[ CATEGORY ] : //
[ DATE     ] :

BackupPC don’t have a logout button… … … Create a logout buttonAdd the following lines in order to create anothers buttons to the $Conf{CgiNavBarLinks} area of your /etc/BackupPC/config.pl : [...]$Conf{CgiNavBarLinks} = [ { 'link' => '?action=view&type=docs', 'lname' => 'Documentation', 'name' => undef }, { 'link' => 'https://github.com/backuppc/backuppc/wiki'