
[ TITLE    ] : lmstat(1)
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lmstat(1)NAMElmstat - report status on license manager daemons and feature usage SYNOPSISlmstat [ -a ] [ -A ] [ -c license_file ] [ -i [feature] ] [ -f [feature]] [ -s [server] ] [ -S [DAEMON] ] DESCRIPTIONlmstat provides information about the status of the server nodes, vendor daemons, vendor features, and users of each feature. Information can be optionally be qualified by specific server nodes, vendor daemons, or features. OPTIONS-a Display everything. -A List all active licenses. -c lic

[ TITLE    ] : lmreread(1)
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lmrereadNAMElmreread - tells the license daemon to reread the license file SYNOPSISlmreread [ -c license_file ] [ daemon ] DESCRIPTIONlmreread allows the system administrator to tell the license daemon to reread the license file. This can be useful if the data in the license file has changed; the new data can be loaded into the license daemon without shutting down and restarting it. lmreread uses the license file from the command line (or the default file, if none specified) only to find the li

[ TITLE    ] : lmswitchr(1)
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lmswitchr(1)NAMElmswitchr - switch REPORTLOG file to a new file SYNOPSISlmswitchr [ -c license_file ] feature new-file DESCRIPTIONlmswitchr switches the FLEXadmin REPORTLOG log file to a new file. The feature argument is to connect to the correct vendor-daemon. All feature log entries for that daemon are moved to the new file. OPTIONS-c license_fileUse the specified license_file. If this switch is not specified, lmswitchr looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE. If that environment v

[ TITLE    ] : lmutil(1)
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lmutil(1)NAMElmutil - generic FLEXlm utility program. SYNOPSISlmutil [ -c license_file ] utility-program DESCRIPTIONlmutil is the “general-purpose” FLEXlm utility program. Normally, endusers would not use lmutil directly, they would use the individual utility programs which are either a copy or a link to lmutil. PARAMETERSutility-program is one of lmcksum, lmdiag, lmdown, lmhostid, lmremove, lmreread, lmstat, lmswitchr or lmver. OPTIONS-c license_fileUse the specified license_file. If this swit

[ TITLE    ] : lmver(1)
[ CATEGORY ] : //
[ DATE     ] :

lmver(1)NAMElmver - report the FLEXlm version of a library or binary file SYNOPSISlmver [ filename ] DESCRIPTIONlmver scans the contents of a binary or library file for the FLEXlm version string and displays it. If no argument is given, lmver assumes the filename is liblmgr.a and attempts to find and display the version from that file. SEE ALSOlmutil(1).